feeling deflated

ive been doing so well since i started in early January but tonight im feeling like it makes no difference - Ive lost 4.5kgs but dont feel like my clothes fit much better and dont feel like I look any dfferent - how much do you think we need to lose to really see/feel it?


  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I think it varies between people and really depends on your build and how much you need to lose in total. When I started my weight loss journey in 2007 I weighed 301 pounds after giving birth to my son. I had to lose about 30 pounds before I really noticed a difference. I found that lately too, after losing 80 pounds it seems that I wasn't noticing a difference as muchuntil I started doing yoga. Now, although the weight is slower to come off, I am noticing that my clothes are fitting better.

    Don't despair! Even if you aren't noticing a difference just think about how you're improving your health.
  • shezza737
    shezza737 Posts: 95 Member
    If i have worked it out right, i think 4.5kgs is the equivalent to just under 10 pounds.
    They say around 10 pounds is a dress size, so anytime soon you should start to notice i would have thought although saying that, we are of course all different.

    You shouldn't feel disheartened though you have done amazing since the start of the year and just think if you hadn't been on this site etc you may have easily put 4.5kgs on rather than taken it off.

    We all have bad days and times on our journeys but it is how we deal with them that matters. Don't let this one deflated day let you give in and give up ;0)
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    It takes a little time for your body to settle in to your new weight. People generally didn't start noticing until I had stopped losing for about 3 weeks. Just keep doing what you're doing. You will notice the difference soon.
  • LILFIX27
    LILFIX27 Posts: 7 Member
    i know the feeling... i think i give up on dieting and exercising because i never get results quick enough. i work so hard for a bit, give up the foods i love, make my schedule even tighter than it already is to fit in working out, and then when every weekend comes and that top and jeans still don't look right, I get really down and feel like I'm not doing it right, but I can't work harder than I already am, so I might as well just give up. Feeling the way you are now is TOTALLY normal, and it's going to take another 2 or 3 weeks to feel that change. It completely sucks, but we are all here for you. Keep your chin up and power on through, you have made a lot of progress already and you should be really proud of yourself. push through it and I promise it will pay off!!!
  • jasonwhitham
    Hey!! Dont give up. We all feel like that at times,,I know I do.
  • Katybun3
    Katybun3 Posts: 172
    I so know where your coming from. I felt the same last week, but I just picked myself up, dusted myself down and got right back into it. Don't give up, 10lbs is a good loss :flowerforyou:
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Have your down days - we all get there once in awhile. Perhaps think about ways to get yourself back up in the action. Listen to music that you love and no one else does. Get that movitation back into your system. 10lbs in one month is an awesome thing to accomplish for anyone. Be proud of what you have loss so far. Keep aimin' for the stars...best wishes...xo
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    I depends I think. I would say I didn't notice the 1st 14lbs (which I lost in about 2 weeks) Im now only losing around 1.5 lbs a week and I can really see it. I think the weight I lose now is basically pure fat and the difference is great. Stick with it, you'll see a difference soon.
  • tassles
    tassles Posts: 172
    wow you sound like me!...I have felt exactly like that too!...

    many people wouldn't comment on my weight loss at all ...and that made me think "No !! all that hard work and nobody noticed!!" ....but then I thought to myself ...am I doing this for peoples approval or for my own health and enjoyment?? ...and you know? ultimately the joy of all the hard work finally came when I went dress shopping the other day and could try on clothes that I never could have before? ...and people have stopped asking me if I'm pregnant!!! ...
    .....and finally, finally after 8 1/2 kilos lost....people are noticing and commenting on my more slender body (except those who refuse to for whatever reason).

    You will get to the stage soon of seeing the weight loss and the difference it has made to you and your over all shape ...but perhaps you are like me and have a particular trouble spot which is the last place for the weight to come off (mine is my tummy...hence looking pregnant) but please don't give up!! you will see the results of your hard work soon....giving up now would be like a builder walking away from his work unfinished and never seeing the final building in all its glory...with the finishing touches added! ....

    ....we are all in this together and all go through the same feelings as you at some stage ....but I'm waiting to see the finished product to my hard work ....I don't want to walk away asking myself what could have been!

    I'm hoping you'll do the same!
  • evertongirl
    evertongirl Posts: 120 Member
    thank you all - a good nights sleep and im feeling more motivated - tassles you are right - my belly is my trouble spot and thats is what hasnt changed at all, but I am feeling healthier and thats what is important.

    Yesterday was a hard day - lots of temptation at a work morning tea which I didnt give in to but then my run last night was so hard and I didnt enjoy it and I let my positive attitude slip. Thank you all so much for being supportive - it relly does help:):smile:
  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    How are you feeling this morning?

    Dont let the numbers get you down, this is a long journey. It will take time but you will get there.