

  • I am getting much the same, apart from someone else who is losing weight using this website. It's strange how friends can be the first to make what they think is funny remarks when you are carrying the weight, but can barely utter a compliment when you are losing it - I don't understand and long since given up even trying.…
  • This is an interesting subject - having worked in sales and marketing for many years (I don't any longer) and attended SW groups on and off for years - there is one thing that was finally confirmed for me during recent documentaries on the TV - that were sadly easily missed - called "The men who made us fat" and "The men…
  • I have never felt compelled to reply to any messages on here, but this topic struck a nerve and I just had to write. I have recently turned 50 - and all of my life all I ever wanted was to settle down and have children - I always had a good job etc - but would have happily given up work to support a husband's career and…
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