rsilverlining Member


  • Hi! My best friend is actually doing something similar-- he and I have been working out together to keep up momentum. He's hoping for keyhole and just got his appointment-- whether he'll get the type of surgery he wants or not has yet to be determined, but he's still so much happier with all the progress!
  • I think it's the dressing that makes the biggest difference. Mayo vs. Mustard is huge.
  • I've had Crohns for about six years, and the weight loss/gain aspect is always fun-- you can gain or drop twenty lbs in a month. I can't-- abso-freakin-lutely CAN'T-- have any fruit. Veggies are pretty iffy, too. I'm supposed to be on a high-red meat, high-fat diet because those are the only things my body can take during…
  • Hydroxycut is essentially a caffeine pill. They're expensive, and they're dangerous. I was taking them for a while back about a year ago. The first night, I took one pill and went out to a crab feed. I was horribly sick, but assumed it was the food. Second day, was mostly home on the single pill, didn't feel great but no…
  • Nearly 20, pretty on the ball logging in. I'd love it if you all added me! <3
  • Really, I think it depends on what you do. I'm a waitress, so my job can go anywhere between standing, staring at the wall and bolting across hallways with 30 lbs of dishes in my arms. Use your better judgment. Set it at lightly active, as has been suggested, and then on days when there's a heavy workload, go ahead and…