barbhat13 Member


  • lost 2 lbs ! but yo-yo'ed after high calorie and salt days. but will make it back down. no yoga had bad cold keeping me out of work x one week then a week to recover but back on track this week.
  • yes, I actually worked out in the gym one day this month!
    in 2020! Comment by barbhat13 January 2020
  • your Labor Day Goal sounds great. mine is 15lbs by then. I am stuck in yo-yo land. up and down the same 2-3 lbs. my snacking habit is bad . eating out fast foods is better. BUT some good in Jan 1. safe mountain bike race. 2. shoulder better but still have to be careful with it but can swim 30 minutes without problem. 3.…
    in 2020! Comment by barbhat13 January 2020
  • in 2020! Comment by barbhat13 January 2020
  • Jan goals 1. safe mountain bike race. (hit a tree last year and had concussion!) 2. weight loss: 2 lbs per month 3. drink more water on work days 4. enroll in wellness program at work 5. add weights and least explore options!
    in 2020! Comment by barbhat13 January 2020
  • Merry Christmas! I am stuck in sugar craze but determined to start over! holiday work potluck survived. all family party sweets designated for other houses!
  • overall for Nov 1. monthly weight loss yo-yo. same 2-3 lbs over and over 2. still trapped by desserts at work 3. less buying snacks after work 4. choosing home over chik filet 5. choosing vegetarian if eating out
  • Happy Thanksgiving! so excited to be off this year and have dinner at my house. Dad had small stroke last week but doing better. He's coming to dinner. daughter and i running race in morning. have a great day yourself
  • mid- month progress 1. down 3.5 lbs but still in that same 5-10 lb range I have been stuck in for 18 months! 2. doing better with veggies 3. no fast food so far ( victory!) 4. had 2 pig out days. went and bought junk. but better about not stopping for junk in cafeteria after work. injuried shoulder at work so no…
  • a good week. cooked a lot ( man, those dishes I had to wash) trout and salmon last 3 work shifts. better after work eating . Building up my resistance muscle to give in by remembering my victories and reviewing my advantages of weight loss each morning! trying to sneak my way back to healthy choices .
  • good for you being under calories! it has been a long time for me too. doing better with cooking. cooked rainbow trout salmon, green beans with mushrooms and onions and little red potatoes. enough for today and work weekend plus some trout with zucchini for lunch tomorrow. another victory. didnt stop after work in…
  • a short practice swim ...daughter on shore as lifeguard.
  • going out for half mile swim.
  • disappointing October....gained weight all in one week. - trying to decrease number of times I eat out. homebound out of town elderly father wants to eat out often so trying to make better choices. ( think I need to be banned from Chik Filet when on the road) - after spending 5 days with friends who eat so many veggies, my…
  • made it thru 5 days vacation with 2 days driving but still fast food while driving but was active on the bike with no snacking in vegan household so came back home same weight! feeling encouraged with desire to add lots more veggies to each meal.
  • a disappointing race because of the heat but it was so much fun and a real local race so I knew lots of the people there. a very fun long weekend with my best friends and many other friends. but i have logged every bit of food the past 6 days. it is amazing how much I eat at one time. plus I ate out 7 times in 6 days plus…
  • 1. diet coke addiction. read article about neutrsweet causing retinal damage so working on decreasing amount 2. totally out of control. have gained weight due to 2nd addiction Sugar!! 3. lots of inflammatory joint pain i believe to my processed foods and sugars ( free donuts yesterday at Dads clubhouse was yesterday…
  • August update 1. had lost weight but ate my way thru 10 days of summer flu like cold and started fast food again. 1 lb net loss. stopped logging 2. no nutritional changes except for tweaking some better choices. 3. off training and exercise schedule totally. Hoping to restart now!
  • no bears seen by me but it is pretty hot when we ride. new bear territory signs were there yesterday when we rode. saw gopher turtles only ( land turtles who burrow in sand)
  • good open water swim race on Saturday. got 30mile bike ride in today but just recreational speed.
  • my weight goes up and down a few pounds during the week. tend to gain 2 lbs every weekend so don't register that weight. I tend to log any lower weight tho! Congrats! i ate well this weekend after a wild sweet crazed week after eating birthday cake with my dad. totally a sugar addict am I.
  • yes! another pound down for you! went grocery shopping last night and realized I am still buying a lot of processed foods. no Friday night sweets tho! just had broccoli as part of breakfast( trying to get more greens in)
  • read " SLIM BY DESIGN" more on mindless design of frig and kitchen set up. whole premise is to make more environmental change so eating healthy just cones naturally. a few good tips, lots of reminders of things i used to do. now starting " but i deserve a donut" weight loss bible study. focus on boundaries you set and…
  • July update 1 no wt loss or gain even though ate out 6 times in 6 days. packed lunch on drive days to avoid fast food. out of town 5 days. twice with Dad 2. salads every day but need to eat better veggies. 3. Year update: lost only 5 lbs since last year ( gained 4 but i lost them but I dont count them 4. race was fun and…
  • cool! i am trying to slowly eat more plant protein. reading Mindful eating trialed new weight loss app called Noom. not useful for diabetes but strong on pysch. cute app and strangely re- affirming. ( one of the main diabetes educators and I trialed it)
  • June update 1. lost 4.2 lbs so almost back to pre Easter weight but not lowest of year yet. 2. getting handle on eating out ( but no fast foods) 3. cooking more with veggies July next! ( need another J word) 1. being bold with goal of 5 lbs loss 2. traveling a lot by car and plane so really need to figure out meals ahead…
  • had to buy zucchini! ( usually there is suplus from friends gardens) thinking grilled in kabobs of course, fish foil packs too, but maybe some zucchini baked fries! wonder if cooked zucchini could be used in smoothies?
  • trialing a new weight loss app for our diabetes class called Noom. has goal specialist assigned but i am guessing it is just the computer ! still log in but only emphasis is on calories and healthy choices. it is cute with quizzes and daily lessons. doubt I would buy it ( monthly fees x 6 months is only option) but it is…
  • zucchini is one of my favorite veggies....i used to dice it and sprinkle it on pizza....also cook it a lot on the grill in kabobs and fish in a foil packet.