Smith3803 Member


  • Great job so far. I don't want to burst your great attitude but you are right it gets harder as you get closer and if there is anything you can count on between now and Christmas is that nasty word *plateau* and even if you are perfect they happen. It's your body's way of saying- Hold on a minute you are making to many…
  • This is only my 2nd time replying to a post so it's defintely something I am passionate about. I am also a scale addict. Recovering.... I had to weigh every morning- if I had an overnight trip I would pack the scale. Pathetic I know. Last week one of my trainers at my job agreed that I need to eat more to speed up my…
  • Well it's time to get on the scale and face the facts this morning. I am sure most of it is in your head your body would not change that quickly. It may have messed with your metabolism but a few days back on track will get it on track too. I do have to say that I think you are eating way to few calories on a regular…
  • I know this sounds crazy but eat more. I have been on this journey a long time (80 pounds lost total) and I have had a lot of plateau's some as long as 3 months and I was told by my WW leader at the time to eat more and I didn't believe her. Then she said to try it for one week what's the harm you have stayed the same for…
  • I would love to join. Hope it's not to late! SW is 178.6