

  • Thanks Bob. Also, I suggest a saliva test rather than a blood test. it's more accurate. We all need to make sure to get a physical before starting any diet plan! I was so depressed and confused when I couldn't lose weight. seeing a doctor and getting boold/saliva work done answered a lot of questions! Hope you're having a…
  • If you exercise regularly, and feel like something just isn't working... consider doing a thyroid test.... there's a small chance that it could be your culprit. It was for me. At least you could rule hypothyroidism out and get back to trying something else. some other symptoms of hypothyroidism could be; brittle nails, low…
  • Hey WOW, that was a great tool! I've always been told I had a muscular compact body. I'm only 5' and I didn't realize or take into consideration "frame size" I'm a large frame size and now I feel more confident that my goal weight can be reached without starving myself!
  • I've heard that gum can help satisfy the sweet tooth. I like to eat a yummy piece of fruit like papaya or lychee. I've heard watermelon is also good at calming sweet tooth cravings.
  • Aloha All! I found out last year that I had hypothyroidism. Which meant that no matter how much I exercised or how much I watched what I ate, I couldn't lose any weight. So, I mention this only to those of you who feel this could be a possibility. Some symptoms are frequent urination, dry itchy skin, thinning hair,…