

  • You look amazing! what a great job! Inspiring! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • Thanks all! Headed to costco for a lg bag of pomegranate. I will keep them at my store to make sure I have plenty on hand when I need a snack. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Thanks for the Info! You are doing amazing by the way! I can tell by the smiles on your pictures that you are feeling better and better about yourself!!!
  • Anyone know if there is any reasons NOT to eat the seeds? Could they be hard to digest? I know the juice is great, but I was wondering about the hard seed inside the little sacks of juice. MAHALO!:happy:
  • :explode: Aloha, I am having the SAME problem. I am a yo-yoer. I don't know how to stay on top of my plan. I will be gung-ho for a couple of weeks, losing a few pounds...then I binge...putting myself right back to where I was. UGH. On top of everything, I have hypothyroidism. I grew up eating so many foods that were bad…
  • Aloha all. I was on my way to feeling better and losing weight, when I found out that my sudden weight gain had to do with my hypothyroid condition. I could use help if anyone knows about foods I should be avoiding and foods that may help. I am taking thryroid supplements, but I know my diet effects the condition also. Any…
  • so, I've been watching what I've been eating... and doing it right... and now it seems like I'm always eating! I always feel hungry! I eat breakfast at 6am, then am hungry again in an hour or so. I've been eating healthy snacks... but I thought that eating right would help my hunger?
  • wow, mashed cauliflower? Squash? thanks for all of the great suggestions!
  • Aloha all, I was wondering if anyone knows a healthier alternative to potatoes or rice?? I grew up with so much startch and carbs! I need help!
  • Thank you for all of the great suggestions! My store will be sort of a .... jewelry design workshop. Customers can come in, design a pendant, bracelet, or other piece of jewelry, then make it. They can go home with something they KNOW was crafted in Hawaii! The materials that will be used is exotic woods, metals, leather,…
  • ALOHA! Hey all, I just wanted to share... We finally found a location for my store! (We have been looking for MONTHS!) It's a great spot right in town, and close to the pier for the cruise ships! The projected open date is April 15th! My only concern is... I've been doing fairly well with my new diet, and I'm concerned…
  • Does anyone know if it really matters how late you eat???
  • I haven't cut them out completely, but I've been using much less sugar lately... and quit eating rice, which was a major part of my diet in the past... Its a Guamanian thing... lol Someone else mentioned maybe this has something to do with it. Mahalos!
  • I LOVE MYFITNESSPAL! I didn't want to have to pay for a subscription to try to be healthier, So, I was excited to find this site. Everyone has been great with help, suggestions and advice! Congrats to your friend for losing, and congrats to you for deciding to make the change in your life!! Lynn
  • Hey thanks very much for the tip! The headaches are at the front of my head and face...so I will deffinately check into that!
  • I was wondering if anyone has gotten headaches from their diet change?? I've been getting headaches daily and I'm not sure if it could have anything to do with my new diet. :sick:
  • I tend to be under in my protiens, calories and over in my fats and carbs. :noway:
  • Ok, so is anyone out there having a problem staying within their goals? I snack on veggies and tuna and other light snacks, and have sensible meals... but I can't seem to balance my cards vs fats vs calories! Any suggestions??? :indifferent:
  • Much Mahalos!
  • These all sound like great suggestions! I like to "rotate" the flavors! Mahalo to ALL!
  • Does anyone know of a website that can give you an estimate of calories burned during moderate exercise like fast-paced walking?
  • I will try that thanks!
  • I was wondering...anyone know of something with less fat that could be added to tuna? I like to snack on tuna with crackers. Any suggestions?
  • Remember also that getting exercise and working out builds muscle. Keep up the great work!
  • Ok, here's the deal.... I went down from a 12 to my current 7/8 recently. The funny thing is, when I look in a mirror, I still feel like I'm a size 12. Funny how that works... my clothes are all smaller, and my boyfriend notices...but I don't seem to notice the change.... For me, I think it's because I was use to being…
  • I hadn't heard that, although I wouldn't be surprised. Meats are much harder for your body to break down. It does help to chew your bites up like crazy...from what my doctor told me.
  • Also, I did lose a pretty good chunk of weight when I did it... but, as gross as it may sound, it's more of a clean your body diet. one of the side benefits is that it takes some weight with the toxins. Did you know that your colon can hold up to 8 pounds of "stuff" in it? this is "stuff" thats in your body all of the…
  • Ok, this is only my actual results. I did this lemon/maple syrup thing. It worked out very well for me, but here's why; I was looking to clense my body of extra toxins and hormones. I wanted to end my cravings for rice and salt. I wanted to test myself for disipline. So yes, for me it did work...but not as some big…
  • Sounds Good! Current weight: 130 Goal weight: 118 Goal weight loss a week: 2 lbs Pounds lost this week: 0 pounds lost total: 0 Just joined today... but am also doing a clense this week, so we will see how it goes next week!
  • Anyone from Hawaii Island? Looking for an exercise buddy!