

  • I have my second half marathon tomorrow! Third on June 23!
  • me too! 20 year old college junior. looking to lose at least 10-15. running my second half marathon tomorrow, but can't keep myself accountable for eating right!
  • I know this is a little late, but I'm hoping someone replies! I'm a nursing student. some days I eat waay below my BMR and some days I'm near my BMR, and on a reallly long run (avid runner) or a really big work out day, I'm well over my BMR. I'm shooting for about net 1200/day. My question is how will this affect how I can…
  • Honestly, don't stress about the numbers on the scale. Someone else said this, but just keep doing what you're doing (so long as it's developing/maintaining healthful habits) and the numbers will slide off. Don't think of it as "what can I do to lose ___ by ___?" For me personally, I have to retrain my brain to eat/want/be…