Thesethings Member


  • Thank you everyone. I have lost multiple times but always seem to fall off the wagon. Last year i joined a gym and LOVED the results. Didn't lose a ton of weight but lost inches. then the holidays happened and i got lazy and stopped going. I'm back at it as of this week and hope to for once in my life lose it and keep it…
  • Me too. I'm starting again. My 12's are getting too tight around the middle and pics I saw of me this past weekend made me cry. My goal is to lose at least 25 pounds by my vacay to Myrtle Beach this summer. My goal is to lose 40 but I am being realistic as far as time. 25 would do me good. I'm almost 50 and sick and tired…
  • thanx-- It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I did use more veggies. About 80/20 to fruit. I did notice (TMI alert) I am peeing a whole lot this morning. Is that normal after only one smoothie?
  • Maybe get a bigger size. Just a thought.
  • What I'm saying is can I trust the worker to give me unbiased advice since he is paid on commission? Will he instead 'recommend' the best or the highest priced? My sister in law once bought her baby daugher who was learning to walk a pair of Nike's shoes cause the guy said they were the best. What they were was expensive.
  • And this boys and girls is what we call skinny fat
  • Not nice!!!
  • Oh my.. never just drink it straight. Always put it in some filtered water. Maybe with a pinch of lemon juice.
  • Definitely my boobs. And the hubs loves them as well.