

  • Does anyone continue counting the calories after the workout has finished? My heart rate has to work back down from 160bpm which takes a while (maybe a sign of being unfit) :) Im still burning calories 8-10 mins after the workout which I count towards my final calories Burnt as I believe this is called the afterburn factor…
  • Sounds to me like the hrm was not giving a true relfection of your heart rate, mine is normally 165+Bpm during the workouts going down to about 135bpm during the stretches burning over 500 calories on every workout. I suggest buying a new one that you can bluetooth to your iphone etc which then inturn updates your MFP…
  • Very true they say your results come from 80% diet and 20% exercise! Ive wanted to start lifting some weights as I fear I will have little muscle left in my upper body. Partly due to previous muscle eating yo yo dieting. I cant seen a problem with adding weight lifting to the regime if you can find the extra energy, which…
  • Hi everyone, my partner and I are on Day 23. Glad to see so many insane people out there. I'll probably be looking kn these forums a lot as soon as we finished week 1 we knew it wasnt going to be quite as simple as eat loads less and workout loads more:) Ive googled the science of burning fat and insanity reviews for far…
  • Blimey, awesome dude. They probably just dont recongnise you :) Keep it up and keep posting, I love these inspirational posts Cheers!