rougecrayon2 Member


  • Don't worry about your weight, worry about your health. In order to be able to support and be there for your husband and kids - you have to put yourself first and teach your kids you love yourself! Cause they love you, you are totally worth it!
  • Hey! You can totally turn your life around if you acknowledge that the depression may be the cause of your weight, and not the other way around. And dealing with your depression first means you can ENJOY your journey into health and fitness! I would definitely suggest keeping a therapist or life coach on hold for when you…
  • I gave up chips for lent! Last year was pop... a bit longer than 30 days but by the time it is over I eat/drink waaaay less... like the want is out of my system. I still want it! lol, but not like when I'm eating it.
  • Why don't you start replying to people on the forums, and see if they like you! Or message other Beachbody coaches to see what types of skills you need! OR go for it! Worst case scenario - you stop.
  • Be careful when using weight measurements to track your progress. You can gain weight from drinking water, and lose weight from taking a poo. Every day it's going to fluctuate, and even every hour it will continue. I can weigh up to 15 lbs more in the evenings than in the morning. Try measuring your body size - Waist,…
  • Once you set it, it shouldn't change unless you change it - unless you did exercise. The exercise you di will increase the calories you need to eat.
  • Now you have seen the results you get when you put a little effort into it. You also have seen the results you get when you put fast food and sugary drinks back into your diet! It totally sucks (trust me, I'm there now) when you gain a bunch of weight after seeing it go, but the crappy parts of life teach us the most. It's…
  • Keep yourself busy! The only way to control cravings is to put your brain somewhere else...