LJT2 Member


  • OK - trying again. I was hoping to post a reply to your note earlier, and I see it's loaded below. I really hope this adds to Barbiecat's posting! If not, can someone help me!??!! (Both with how to reply correctly to someone's posting, and about the Omron pedometer) Thanks! Laura
  • Uh Oh - I was trying to reply to Barbiecat's message, and I see it seems to have developed a life of it's own. I'm not sure I understand how to do the 'thread' type reply yet!!! Sorry!
  • Hi - I've been looking for a good pedometer. Does yours have to have any of those belts or other things, in addition to putting it in your pocket? If not, it may be JUST what I've been looking for. Thanks for the tip! :flowerforyou: My pedometer is Omron HJ-720ITC......I carry it in my pocket (so it is doesn't fall off a…
  • Sounds like you're doing well - and keeping your goals realistic. This is my first month here too, and I didn't start right on 3/1. But am slowly catching up towards the 30 for this month. You'll love it!
  • Lots of folks are doing a LOT of miles! My job is sedentary and I get out at lunch time - but today did 2 miles towards my 30. :happy:
  • Enjoying walking on my lunch hours here in Michigan - it's finally getting warm enough to clear off roads and sidewalks. Baby steps, but it feels good! Did about a mile on my lunch hour today, and the first day of a few minutes of interval-training-walking. Weight is WAYyyy slow coming off - but at least I'm moving!
  • Another mile at lunch today. First day I did some interval-training-type walking (for about 1/3 of the time). Baby steps...but feels good.
  • Didn't do any walking over the weekend (although we're moving - so I moved, too! Lots of hauling boxes, walking up stairs, etc. etc.) Did an official 1 mile on my lunch hour today - loving the nicer weather here in Michigan this week!
  • Nothing over the weekend - but one more today! Loving the nicer weather this week! :flowerforyou:
  • Logged in another 2 miles - making 6 miles towards my 31 mile goal.
  • Hi - New here. I was surfing around on this thread and wondered how old you have to be in order to qualify for being a senior? I'm 58, will be 59 this summer. OK to be here?? :smile:
  • For anyone who is following the directions to get a ticker...I found out that you block and copy the 'bbCode' from the ticker site into your Signature here at the myfitnesspal site. Whew!
  • I like it...will try to do the ticker thing....
  • OK, I'm new (been here a few weeks). I read posts, but don't usually post/reply...I'm not very good at 'putting myself out there' but I'm finding that I keep slipping up with both food and exercise when trying to go it alone. I saw this thread/group and thought perhaps this was something I could do to help stay on track. I…