hollychristine Member


  • Thank you all so much. I'm going to check out that website... I appreciate all the supportive and kind words. I'm getting geeked just reading them!
  • The sugar in fruit is combined with fiber so your body has to get thru the fiber before it can get to the sugar. Refined suger has been stripped and it practically digested for you before it hits your tummy, so your body is not required to work quite as hard. The sugar just goes straight to your bloodstream. Its like…
  • That sounds good. I'm not sick of salads, actually I could live on soup, salad, and sandwiches if it was possible!!!! Thanks a bunch!
  • LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, this means success! And when you are inbetween the fat clothes in your closet and the skinny clothes. No need to buy the inbetween size cuz I'll be in them skinny clothes real quick!
  • Check out www.realage.com and/or read You: On a Diet. They give really good info on the subject. I've taken off a little more than 7 inches from my waistline based on such resources, and I care more about inches than the number on my scale. I also read The South Beach Diet. They all focus info on waist-loss rather than…
  • If I'm on the go in the A.M. I toast a Whole Grain English Muffin and put on a lil' natural Peanut butter. I always have coffee too! If I have time- Kashi multi-grain waffles....with REAL, organic, grade B Maple Syrup and I savor every bite cuz that syrup is expensive! lol
  • If you ENJOY that much activity, do what you like. I'm sure there is a such thing as too much, but I wouldn't classify what you described as such. I think we would do about that much if not more if we didn't drive cars and have tv's and computers anyway. I would suggest a day or two off as omid990 suggested. And make sure…
  • Awesome Link LeanLioness! Thank you so much! All the farms are way too far for me to drive to, however, I found one that makes weekly deliveries just two cities away from me!!! So glad I checked this thread today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You rock!
  • If you are lactating you might notice a slight sticky film around the nipple area (sorry, it sounds yucky, lol) If it is just sweat then I wouldn't be too concerned. Sweat is good! I can't remember the article, but I recently read one that stated (in a nutshell) the more you sweat the better shape you are in. You can try…
  • WOW! You are truely blessed to have access to such wonderful options! I'm planning to build my own garden by next summer and someday move to a warmer climate where I can have more land. I admire your dedication to your health.
  • You're on the right track. I spent almost 10 years in dental, so I know you will need to follow a soft diet for at least 24 hours. Depending on how the Dentist removes them, you may feel perfectly fine and able to chew within a few hours. Yogurt, Smoothies (NO STRAW!!), scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, soups....I…
  • I had to take several courses of Prednisone for a period of 2-3 years and thats where I gained a large portion of the weight that I have now. My doctor insisted that it would come off after I stopped taking them because I had such a fantasticly healthy diet and a decent workout routine...... Its just over 1 year later and…
  • This is true. Are you taking in less than 1200 cals? Make sure you still have 1200 cals even after exercize, the body needs that many to function properly. See a doc. I say this because when I was hospitalized for anorexia I found that this is common amonst those of us who restricted our calories and exercized. And I…
  • I love the South Beach Diet! I read the book about 3 years ago and followed it exactly as it said. I was NEVER hungry, and I lost 15 pounds the first WEEK! As a general rule I don't rely on the number tho, but I didn't gain it back. I also lost 5 inchess off my waist. I never finished all the phases, but I've been off…
  • Read the South Beach Diet book before you commit to Atkins. I'm not a fan of fad diets, but the SBD has very good info on how carbs affect your body and how to balance good/bad carbs and fats. The SBD also has a more realistic plan that weans you into a lifestyle change rather that a quick fix. Even if you don't follow the…
  • I agree. Your fat counts are way over, and it bad saturated fat. Fad diets don't work, especially Atkins. I know 3 people who worked that program religiously. 1 had a heart attack and the other 2 gained back twice as much as they lost. You can't follow that diet forever, so it won't last forever. If you want lasting…
  • I wouldn't save calories for drinking. A splurge here and there is ok, but you need your nutrition first and foremost. Besides drinking on an empty stomach is not a good idea. Opt for lite drinks if you are going to drink. And I hate to sound all old and stuff, (I'm freshly 30 and long time partier) but staying up till 3am…
  • I am excited to try this! I'm adding it to my grocery list right now for next week. Thanks!
  • I have a love/Hate relationship with the eliptical, lol. But heres a tip that my physical therapist gave me. Switch it up and go forwards and backwards. That way you work additional muscles and your body doesn't get "bored" as quickly. I like going backwards better that forward, but I still do both. It has worked wonders…
  • That is so awesome! Good for you! :drinker:
  • Thanks. This is actually one of my most common meals! I add some jalepeno to kick it up a bit when I'm feeling spicy. I even put it in wraps. Yummy! I also mix in some salsa somettimes or if I'm low on my fat for the day I top it with low-fat cheese and even over tortilla chips if I'm craving nachos and feel like…
  • I love Indian food! I love the way my house smells after I cook with all those amazing spices! Some people find the araoma offensive, I love it and don't care. Never tried Ethiopian food, but I would love to experiment. I'm open to anything new, I'm trying to fill a binder as my own personal family cookbook. Our current…
  • OMG, I'm drooling just thinking about this one! Salads are one of my most favorite things in the world! Thanks!!!!
  • Ideally, I would suggest throughout the entire process. 6 weeks on, 6 weeks off. Honestly thats not always realistic, especially in this economy. Even once per month or every other month would be a good plan for those of us who live on a budget.:happy: It won't hurt to continue after you reach your goal weight, since the…
  • The main purpose of the wrap is for detoxification, it only lasts as long as you follow up. When water is released from the skin there is a shrinking effect. But of course the water will return. If you do it regularly, (once per week for 6 weeks is recommended) you will notice longer lasting results becausse it will also…
  • Strenth training! And don't try to lose too much too fast, your skin will "bounce" back naturally to a point. If you lose too quickly your skin will not keep up. I'm a licensed Esthetician, so believe me when I say be wary of products making claims to tighten your skin. Not that they don't work, but they are not permanet…
  • I like to steam a buch of seasonal veggies, toss in some beans and sauteed onions, maybe some tomaoes then sprinkle on some Zip sauce (the kind you don't add butter to) or balsamic vinegar and enjoy with brown rice...(the kind that takes an hour to cook, no minute rice) I make alot at once, you can take it with you in the…
  • I've tried to stay out of these boards since I joined this site a few years ago because I get frustrated with some of the misguided info on here. I've been in recovery from Anorexia and Bulimia for almost 9 1/2 years now, so I know first hand how dieting can be so very harmful to this precious temple that live in while I'm…
  • I read a book a long time ago about working out for your body shape. It advised people who tend to store fat from the hips down (pear shape) to avoid cycling and elipticals. The reason it that you are working those muscles more and bulking them up quicker than you are burning the fat in those areas, (those are the last…