hollychristine Member


  • Haha, same here!!:wink: :laugh:
  • :bigsmile: bump for reading later.
  • The south beach is a great book! Even if you don't follow the plan the recipes are soooooo good!!! I recommend reading the book since it has TONS of good info. It also includes meal plans and like I said, some yummy recipes!!
  • I would like to read that article. I do know that in Mari Windsor's Pilates program she says something quite similar. Eat fruit within one hour of waking and 15 minutes before you workout, then have breakfast 30 minutes after your workout. That was a good program, why did I ever stop it????......:ohwell:
  • I wouldn't eat raw egg unless I knew the farmer and the chicken it came from. I don't trust store bought dairy enough, sometimes they don't get them in the cooler when they are supposed to.
  • Since I consider what I do for my health as a lifestyle rather that a diet, I suppose cheating isn't an option. So I never called it a cheat day, but I never focus too much on Sundays. I don't record anything, plan exercize, or worry about what time it is for that matter. It is my "day of rest", pardon the pun. The one day…
  • :bigsmile:
  • I confess that I am about to pour myself a cocktail and watch a movie, maybe I'll even have more than one!:drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • When you get excited because you old skinny-mini skirt doesn't go over your butt, but it FINALLY PASSED THE KNEES!!!!!!!! WooooooooooooooooooooHooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • I just like to steam it and sprinkle on some sea salt and eat it. Yummy!
  • Check out this thread. Lots of yummy recipes in here. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/60465-vegetarians Enjoy!:tongue:
  • Dumb products seem to make alot of money. I have a few crazee ideas I may throw out there and I bet I'll be able to retire by 35. Without a conscience of course. :wink: And arewetheryet.....OMG!!!! I woulda went straight Detroit postal on the man! Just goes to show that being in a position of authority doesn't mean you…
  • I eat organic to cut out the chemicals. Its also better for the enviroment since some/all of those pesticides are not Earth friendly. I don't know why anyone would think they are nutritionally better, besides the lack of toxins....
  • I love this post. I'm a food snob too. I don't try to force my opinions on others, but I do stand my ground. I'm surrounded by people (family and friends) who judge my choices and constantly tease me. When I'm invited to a family gathering I am often not asked to bring a dish since it will be "healthy". My mom insists that…
  • Thanks, I'm always leary of trying the different types of milk out there. Its easier when I know smeone else like it, then I don't expect the worst.:happy:
  • You can buy cayenne pepper capsules at a health food store and take them throughout the day and just drink the lemonade seperatley. I like the kick it adds to the drink. You can also get liquid cayenne pepper, it has the same benefit, but not so rough going down.
  • I detox several times per year. I've done it alone as well as with the supervision of a doctor. What method are you considering? My favorite is the Master Cleanser, aka the lemonade diet. It is very safe and effective when done properly. And never do it with the intention of weight loss. The purpose of any detox is to…
  • :tongue: Yumm! Bumping for later!
  • I struggle with this too. Sometimes I take melatonin to help me achieve a deeper sleep and I feel better rested in the morning. I find that when I'm eating too much sugar or not enough whole foods I feel fatigued. Also walking after dinner helps me to sleep better and feel better in the morning. I give my self time to…
  • I totally agree with you Vanessa. I think the direction was pretty shotty. I can see a noticable difference in these clips tho, or is it just me? I'm looking forwar to seeing what Chris Weitz will do! I am 30 years old and I have read the entire saga more than once. It gets better each time. Stephenie is such a fantastic…
  • LOL, funny motivates me, I LOVE this one, hahahahahahah:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • COnfession: When its THAT time of the month and I start craving Chocolate to the point that I will knock down a little old lady at the store to get the last PB Twix:ohwell: .......I stay home and away from fragile people, and I substute that craving with a spoonful of peanut butter and some dark chocolate…
  • I do tons of stuff like this, I learned alot in Pysical therapy. This was the only video I could find cuz I was in a hurry. I do the inner and outer thigh exercizes equally. I used to work out ALOT more and I developed Patella Femor Syndrome. Doc said that if you work the outside and not the inside it will pull the kneecap…
  • Check this out...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNS-8cMZ9_g it burns soooooo goooooodddd
  • Hmmmmmmmm...........very interesting.................
  • I come from a mostly Polish, part Slovak family. I was raised on mostly butter, meat and noodles. I became a vegetarian when I was 11, that was very tough! When my mom cooks there is ALWAYS meat, rarley any side dishes, so finding a vegetable in that house is not likely....(unless its in a can) Now that I am all grown up,…
  • I actually need to watch my cheese intake as it tends to make me sick. I wish I would just get hives!:laugh: But I just prepare my tummy and eat the cheese because it is tooooo good to live without. ................Shredded cheese on a salad, goat cheese pizza, feta cheese by the brick, Laughing cow cheese on a triscuit,…
  • Check your fat intake as well as your calories. Fat makes you full. Make sure you have Good, Healthy fats with each meal and lots of protien. They both trigger satiety chemicals. I don't know what you are eating, but that is my first thought. Also, when you feel that hunger arise, drink a glass of water, brush your teeth…
  • I have read that when the sugar is combined with a fat it also slows the absorbtion. I think it was in You: On a Diet. So say you have a scoop of ice cream, adding a handful of nuts make it better in more ways than one:wink: In the South Beach Diet, Dr. Agatston says that if you're going to reach for the bread basket; a…