Inner thigh workout

I can see my outer thigh smothing out and getting smaller but my inner thigh, might be looking better but I cant see it, looks like it needs work. Well not looks, but I can see it needs more work. Are there any good excercises that target there?


  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    i use the hip abductor.:tongue: ..aductor??? whatever machine at the gym....its like the thighmaster but with weight attached....seems to be helping :happy:
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    The only machine at the gym that my trainer puts me on is one for the thighs. It is the one where you push out then you switch and then in. She says I have very strong thigh muscles. I love doing leg exercised except when I have to do squats between sets. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!! The squats may help.
  • Shakes
    Shakes Posts: 54
    My personal favorite because I can do it at home, nightly in front of the t.v.
    1. Lie down on your side and bend your top leg out in front of you
    2. Keep your other leg out straight.
    3. Raise it up as high as you can and hold for 1-2 seconds.
    4. Lower it back down.
    5. Repeat.
  • samantha115
    samantha115 Posts: 371
    Thanks yall.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Squats and lunges...they work it all
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    I'm sorry if I sound stupid I am just a visual person, Am I raising the leg that is straight or the one that is bent?
  • Kelly11
    Kelly11 Posts: 75 Member
    I found this article a few months ago, and I really like these moves! I do them when I'm bored at home, or if I have some free time at work :)
  • jodim212
    jodim212 Posts: 1
    I have the same problem. This is an exercise we do in my aerobics class:
    1. Lay on your back and prop yourself up on your elbows with legs straight out.
    2. Bend your left knee up to the ceiling and plant your left food on the floor. (Just for balance.)
    3. With your right leg still straight out, turn your right foot out so your foot is flexed (not pointed) and facing towards the right (parallel to the ground).
    4. Once positioned, the exercise is lifting your right leg up and down. Go low to the ground, but don't let your leg rest on the ground and don't go higher than your left knee.
    5. You can also do an out in motion. While your right leg is low to the ground move your right leg out to the right and then back to center.
    6. Then switch legs.
    7. My routine is 25 up and down, 25 pulses (smaller, quicker movement of the up and down), 25 out and in, and holding in place while your muscle is engaged for 30 seconds or so. I try to do 2 or 3 sets on each leg of that. Mix it up so your muscles don't get used to it.
    8. Try adding weight by holding a 5-10lb dumb bell (or a large can of beans) towards the top of your thigh of the leg you are working.
  • SamiRose
    SamiRose Posts: 118 Member
    Hey there!
    One of my favorite Exercises to do for Inner-Thigh Regions is with a Physio-ball (exercise ball. Swiss ball...etc). While sitting on the floor with bent knees, I place the ball between my legs (knees), and squeeze. Do 10 squeezes, and hold each for about 5-10seconds. 2 sets is plenty, and often one set is ideal enough for results.

    I do this all the time in my Group Exercise classes that I teach. People love it! It's one of those exercises that you may not feel at the time, but u wake up in the morning and KNOW that u had one intense work to those adductor muscles!

    I'm gonna warn you, this looks a little awkward, and I tend to get many giggles and laughs in class while doing it, but trust me; it works wonders!!!

    If your a little confused on how I explained this send me a message and I'll hunt down a picture for you!

  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    My problem is my lower back. My trainer has me doing stretches for it. They are helping
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Legs lifts straight out to the side of your body. Do at least 20 and don't put your leg to the floor between lifts. You will feel it!
  • samantha115
    samantha115 Posts: 371
    I have the same problem. This is an exercise we do in my aerobics class:
    1. Lay on your back and prop yourself up on your elbows with legs straight out.
    2. Bend your left knee up to the ceiling and plant your left food on the floor. (Just for balance.)
    3. With your right leg still straight out, turn your right foot out so your foot is flexed (not pointed) and facing towards the right (parallel to the ground).
    4. Once positioned, the exercise is lifting your right leg up and down. Go low to the ground, but don't let your leg rest on the ground and don't go higher than your left knee.
    5. You can also do an out in motion. While your right leg is low to the ground move your right leg out to the right and then back to center.
    6. Then switch legs.
    7. My routine is 25 up and down, 25 pulses (smaller, quicker movement of the up and down), 25 out and in, and holding in place while your muscle is engaged for 30 seconds or so. I try to do 2 or 3 sets on each leg of that. Mix it up so your muscles don't get used to it.
    8. Try adding weight by holding a 5-10lb dumb bell (or a large can of beans) towards the top of your thigh of the leg you are working.

    I might just have to try this tonight. Thanks so much!
  • samantha115
    samantha115 Posts: 371
    Hey there!
    One of my favorite Exercises to do for Inner-Thigh Regions is with a Physio-ball (exercise ball. Swiss ball...etc). While sitting on the floor with bent knees, I place the ball between my legs (knees), and squeeze. Do 10 squeezes, and hold each for about 5-10seconds. 2 sets is plenty, and often one set is ideal enough for results.

    I do this all the time in my Group Exercise classes that I teach. People love it! It's one of those exercises that you may not feel at the time, but u wake up in the morning and KNOW that u had one intense work to those adductor muscles!

    I'm gonna warn you, this looks a little awkward, and I tend to get many giggles and laughs in class while doing it, but trust me; it works wonders!!!

    If your a little confused on how I explained this send me a message and I'll hunt down a picture for you!


    So for this am I using the ball like I would use a thigh master? I love those excerise that I feel the next day. I send a message too in case you dont come back to this post. Thanx.
  • hollychristine
    hollychristine Posts: 124 Member
    Check this out......

    it burns soooooo goooooodddd
  • samantha115
    samantha115 Posts: 371
    Check this out......

    it burns soooooo goooooodddd

    Interesting. Is this something you do? How long do I do this? Until it burns? longer? Ill try longer. Woo Hoo! I have a little bit longer before I go to bed. I might do this while watching some t.v. I want to feel the burn. I want some space between my legs. Ok over share. sorry.
  • Shakes
    Shakes Posts: 54
    I'm sorry if I sound stupid I am just a visual person, Am I raising the leg that is straight or the one that is bent?
    laying on your side the upper leg is bent,with your foot about at your knee in front. Thebottom leg is straight preferred with a pointed toe as hard as you can to keep the muscles flexed ;) (this is with the exercise that i posted about
  • hollychristine
    hollychristine Posts: 124 Member
    Check this out......

    it burns soooooo goooooodddd

    Interesting. Is this something you do? How long do I do this? Until it burns? longer? Ill try longer. Woo Hoo! I have a little bit longer before I go to bed. I might do this while watching some t.v. I want to feel the burn. I want some space between my legs. Ok over share. sorry.

    I do tons of stuff like this, I learned alot in Pysical therapy. This was the only video I could find cuz I was in a hurry. I do the inner and outer thigh exercizes equally. I used to work out ALOT more and I developed Patella Femor Syndrome. Doc said that if you work the outside and not the inside it will pull the kneecap to the stronger side......I had a worst case senario, but its good advice. They would tell you the same at the gym too...