vgurgel Member


  • I started yoga a year ago. I was 20 lbs heavier and feeling unable to accomplish any goals. Yoga is helping me so much! And regarding the need to adapt postures, that is no shame. Skinny people have to do all the time it to, when they´re not flexible enough.
  • An all time favorite especially during winter is oatmeal porridge. I make mine with one banana cooked with powdered cinnamon cause it makes it sweet and yummy. I also love to eat some fruits cut up and mixed together. Another one I like to make is to cook a banana and then mix it with natural, sugar-free yogurt :)
  • I love Yoga. I practice Hatha for about a year, and at least a few minutes every day. Since starting, I dropped a lot of weight, because I began to focus n how my body feels when I feed it the "wrong" food. Also, it´s helped me becoming less anxious, and I tend to eat a lot when I´m anxious. Practicing just Hatha and doing…
    in Yoga Comment by vgurgel August 2013
  • I took the measurements before starting, but just had time to post it here now... So, here it goes: Current Weight: 69.5 - 70 Waist 78 Tummy 100 Hips 103 R. Arm 28.5 L. Arm 28 R. Thigh 62.5 L. Thigh 61 Chest 99
  • Hi, I´m Veronica and I´m a 24 yo brazilian. I just saw this group and decided to join you since I began the 30 day shred yesterday. I have to say, I´m quite sore today, but not as much as I imagined. Woke up at 6:30 to do my round on day 2. I also took my photos and measurements, and I´m planning on doing it every 5-10…
  • Hi! Since the feb I lost about 10 kg. However, I hit plateu. I recently joined MFP, and would like to lose from 5 to 8 kg by the end of the year. However, the weight isn´t exactly the most important thing since I´m also trying to build up some muscles.
  • I haven´t tried using a blanket. I can actually do the pose but, like you said, it is quite an workout. I might try it out, though.:smile:
  • I think I´m kapha. Not jut because of the weight, but other physical traces as well.
  • Last year my goal was to do the full wheel pose. Now, I want to do a proper headstand. Right now all I´m able to pull of is a tripod headstand, but keeping my legs rested on my elbows. I would also like to do a monkey pose... but that´s more of a dream then a goal.
  • So, i just joined MFP. Anyway... I really love pigeon. It just makes me feel so relaxed. I know it´s kind of crazy, but i find staff pose really hard. That´s the result of having back problems since I was 10. My core just suffers trying to hold my back where it should be.