

  • Congrats for the taking the first steps to getting your life back! I completely relate to a lot of things you're saying from the healthy mind/body - I've had some issues as well over the last year or so. I'm working on losing upwards of 50 pounds. I've been doing pretty well of getting on here regularly and have made some…
  • I completely here you. I do great during the week - but when I go out on the weekend (usually once or twice) this is what kills me. Not to mention that when you've been drinking you're less likely to eat well the next day (or at least I am!). When I'm out I try to stick to vodka sodas like someone else mentioned below -…
  • Depending on if you like to cook when you're not working - I like to make a pot of soup or a vegetable lasagna that I can pre-portion and take to work for the week (and you can freeze the rest!). Depending on how you feel about frozen meals you could always do something like that to (although even things like lean cuisines…