

  • Thanks again guys! Saw the PT today. She said she thinks it's a herniated disk and that I have some nerve tension, but says I'm doing very well for it only being a week since it happened. She also said I am very strong everywhere except my lower back and core, so working on that (esp my core) will help. Until I see her…
  • Thanks so much guys!!! Although it was horrible for a day or so (almost no movement possible - getting out of bed, going to the bathroom, getting dressed was all quite pitiful to watch), less than a week later I have much more movement, way less pressure, less pain, and can walk long as it's at a slow pace. This…
  • i'm definitely going to try this out, thanks!
  • Thanks for the feedback! I actually don't mind the taste of the 10 calorie ones at all! Was just hoping to find an alternative with less chemicals :). I do sleep a good bit, workout and eat well but unless I'm eating totally clean (like when I did two juice cleanses), I def need caffeine.
  • thanks again! everyone really does seem great so far. i'm still figuring things out here but this really is amazing for a free site/service! can't wait for the little ticker to start moving it's way right - i can't have it at that 0 for long! although i did just join this morning so i guess i have to cut myself some slack…
  • figured it out! overall, (in addition to losing 40-45 pounds) my goals are to lower my body fat, build more lean muscle (i'm very solid to begin with with a slightly bigger frame, or certainly not a small frame at least) and to get fit enough to be able to compete in athletic events like mud runs, obstacle courses, and…
  • thanks everyone!! i thought i was displaying my weight loss goal (it's 40-45 pounds from where i am - i've already lost some), but maybe it's not showing up? i'll have to play around with it later! I'll definitely also go back and add you guys later today - for now i really need to go and do some work :)