babyberger Member


  • Sorry I went MIA for a few days, life got busy ;) Hope everyone is feeling better and adjusting to the keto lifestyle! I feel like each day gets easier to come up with meals, but Im still fighting cravings and hunger once in a while. I am looking forward to being keto adapted.
  • We are back on the wagon together!
  • I am really hoping for the mental part of this as well! We can do it together!
  • I have also just started keto this week. I am hoping to have the same results as most of you have had. This is the first time in years I feel motivated to lose weight and stick to a plan.
  • Also just started keto this past Monday (7/7/14). Trying to learn as much as possible and connect with others on this journey.
  • Hi my name is Melissa and I am happy to have found this group. It seems quiet right now, but I am hoping we can change that ;) I am a 37 (almost 38) year old mom of 3. 19, 8, and 6. My oldest is in college and besides having some difficult events in life was really easy to raise. Now my younger two are a completely…
  • I just started leangains yesterday following my husband who started a week ago. So far i feel pretty good, a little hubgry (but i am like that with any diet). I need to take off the 20 lbs I managed to pack on in the 7 months. since I can't get to the gym for the next couple of weeks I did the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred…