

  • Thanks everyone for the suggestions :)
  • Welcome! Myfitnesspal is an amazing tool to use. One of my favorite things about it is using it on my iphone. I like to use the barcode reader to track my intake of food. I look forward to tracking because I think it's fun :). Good luck on your journey! Wish you the best!
  • Don't worry, you can do this! Just keep you eye on the prize. As long as your eating healthy and getting some exercise, don't worry about what the scale says. It will continue to drop as you continue to be healthy! Good luck!
  • 15 is a high number, I agree. And I don't plan on being able to loose that amount every month. Due to how over weight I am and the amount of calories I would consume normally, it should be achievable this first four weeks. Currently the tracker has me at loosing 20lbs in five weeks. I'll be happy to loose 4lb. Any step in…
  • I'll be 29 in just a few weeks (aug 28th) and have a very active 17 month old daughter. I was gestational diabetic. It's only now that she's getting a bit older do I feel like I have the energy to diet. Also, she has more energy then anything I've ever seen and if I'm going to keep up with her, I need to shed to weight!…