

  • How's everyone doing? I couldn't remember when we started so I came back to check. Just one week left! I've missed about 4 days since we began. I really think it's helped to get my tone back in my butt, back, and somewhat my stomach. I think I'll probably continue after the month is over, too.
  • That's so awesome lydiakass! That's great progress! I got my body fat tested at my gym back in January and it was 30%. I got it done again last night and it was 25%!
  • Youtube has a million free strength training videos. Just type in whatever you're looking for, upper body, lower body, abs, beginner, advanced, etc. and you'll see there are so many options. I wrote this on GOMI but a couple of my favorites are Cindy Whitmarsh and Chris Freytag. Do you have dumbbells at home? I find it a…
  • Did everyone recover from the long weekend? I'm about to throw my scale out the window! I have been great all week but somehow from Wednesday to Thursday I gained 2 pounds and they were still there this morning. ARrrgg! I know that the number on the scale isn't everything...but it kind of is when you want to win your…
  • I washed my favorite jeans last week because they were starting to get saggy from wearing them too much and when I put them on today, they're still looser than when I first bought them! I'm happy about that. If they do become even looser, I'm definitely buying the same pair in a size smaller because I love them so much.
  • Welcome lydiakass! Sounds like last night was a great success! Keep it up! feelgoodnic, I totally know what you mean. Sometimes I have to take a step back, too. It sounds like being more relaxed is going to be good for you! I'm looking forward to making this an awesome September! I had some good indulgences on Friday and…
  • Loving this challenge! My *kitten* and arms are feeling it!
  • Day 4 done! Threatsofpizza, I hope you are doing okay!
  • Days 2 and 3 done!!
  • Done! Push ups were on my knees. Maybe I'll be doing them all on my toes by the end of the challenge!
  • I'm back up the 3 pounds I lost from my weekend at home, drinking and eating more than I usually do, plus i got my period yesterday. I'm hoping they will come off during the week. I am planning one last hurrah for this weekend to go out to a steakhouse and enjoy a couple glasses of wine and then September will be super…
  • Love everyone's attitudes! Keep it up, ladies! My scale's batteries died this morning and I was like, AAAArrrrrggg! How will I know what I weigh today?! ;) But no big deal, I'll just pick up new batteries tonight. I'm going through a flare up of my ulcerative colitis (just call me Tuna) and my doc prescribed me new…
  • Okay, I'll join, too!
  • EthelBelle, sounds like you're doing awesome!! Congrats on the 20 pounds!! Novezero, Congrats on the 40 pounds! I'm sorry about your mouth ulcers, that doesn't sound fun at all. I'm up a pound from Saturday. Obviously nothing to stress over since your body fluctuates day to day but I'm definitely going to strict for the…
  • I just downloaded the app and it doesn't look like you can see your groups on there, unless I'm missing it. Is that true?
  • Made a new account to have the same name as the forums. I've been using Sparkpeople for 4 years so this site is a whole new ballgame to me. I track my nutrition and exercise over there and I'll continue to do that and use this to interact with all you fellow hams!