

  • First of all, thank you all for contributing, because although everyone's journey to their goal is different, it does help to hear how you got over the obstacles. I guess I've just got to admit that I've an unstable and unhealthy relationship with food. I love it and I dread it, going from one extremity to another -…
  • I'm here with the same goal and also am looking for friends here to motivate and inspire me on this journey. Feel free to add me, I've always been better at motivating people other than myself :))
  • That's really all what I wanted to know. Thankfully, MFP has given me 1200 calories a day due to my weight and inactivity, and 500 calories burned every day in gym is just about what I can handle. So it's good to know that I've been doing great in gym - now I just need to suck it up and start being more honest with the…
  • Thanks everyone. I didn't exactly mean how many calories I need to burn for a fast, and temporary, shift on the scale. I just mean, with the amount I eat, and the BMR and all, and the luxuries of a gym, how much would be a good amount to burn in the gym to boost the weight loss process, instead of remaining on the same…
  • Thank you all for sharing. I guess I was of two minds at first about which way to go with, but you've all convinced me for the better, healthier choice of weight loss. I will eat the calories recommended by MFP and continue working out and thus, hopefully, I'll get what I work for, no more no less. I truly never knew about…
  • Alright, firstly thanks, everyone, for replying. Secondly, I weigh 218 pounds at a height of 5'4. I calculated my TDEE and BMR as you all advised, and the results are - I don't know to what accuracy - 2835 and 1833.6 respectively. But I don't work, I'm a student, and I go to gym 5-6 times a week at the least. So there you…
  • Sounds like a motivator to me. Count me in! :)
  • That happens. It just goes to show that your body likes the healthy diet better and by bringing back the junk you're not doing yourself a favour. I mean, it's not serious, and if you keep eating, your bowels will get back into a steady relationship with junk, but I think you wouldn't want that. Your body's giving you a…