JLKL75 Member


  • pushups, tricep pull downs
  • magic bullet!! its the best for smoothies!
  • carbs are actually essential for weight loss! You just have to eat proper carbs(and the right serving size) like whole foods such as whole wheat/whole grain items like bread or pasta, oatmeal or brown rice. These are good carbs that will help fuel your body and your brain. Bad carbs come in the form of anything white…
  • when im at home i use my exercise ball to do wall squats...basically i put the ball behind my lower back and stand so that the ball is pinned between my back and the wall with my feet about 2 feet in front of me...then i slowly go down into squat position, you want your thighs to be about parallel to the floor (the ball…
  • I use just vinegar, evoo with s+p but I actually came across this link the other day: http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/the-best-of-the-light-salad-dressings?page=2 Hope this helps :)
  • An hour is the minimum I usually wait! Just like they say, ``wait an hour after you eat before swimming!``. Food begins digest and convert into energy to fuel your workout and cuts down risk for cramps. Another important rule to avoid cramps is to stay hydrated. Good Luck :smile:
  • I don't have any off hand, but I find the recipe book "Eat, Shrink and Be Merry' so helpful. The two girls that write the book use everyday guilty pleasure recipes and transform the recipe into one that is usually half the fat,(and usually half the sodium, carbs, sugar ect) of the original recipe. Hope you find what you…