Why are carbs so bad?

Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
I have been scared of carbs for too long and I dont know why!! Im talking about starch! I love bread and oatmeal but cant eat them without feeling guilty! Why are carbs so bad for weight loss?


  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,008 Member
    I have been scared of carbs for too long and I dont know why!! Im talking about starch! I love bread and oatmeal but cant eat them without feeling guilty! Why are carbs so bad for weight loss?
    They're not!
  • Too many carbs are bad. The right amount at the right time is essential. Carb in morning, before and after workout.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    So many people make it seem like it though! And so many things I have read always frown upon carbs xD I just dont understand why! hehe
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I have been scared of carbs for too long and I dont know why!! Im talking about starch! I love bread and oatmeal but cant eat them without feeling guilty! Why are carbs so bad for weight loss?
    They're not!

    It depends on who you are. Some people don't "do" carbs well, like myself, and breads, flours and grains are a waste of time. All my body requires for high energy and fat/weight loss is vegetables and occasionally fruits (berries for the most part).
  • By the way Niomi, your body is on point. I hope to get to that level for a male of course one day.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Too many of the wrong carbs are bad. Try to choose high quality carbs, fresh fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Stay away from pretty little packaged low calorie snacks.
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    I think that a balanced diet of protein, carbs, and fats, are essential to being truly healthy. They are only "bad" if you overeat carbs and don't burn them off, then they store as fat.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    It's the insulin response that happens as a result. Read up on the role of insulin and you'll understand. Keep feeling guilty, it keeps you thin.

    Read up on glycemic Load too.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    but doesnt this happen if you over eat on anything?
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    By the way Niomi, your body is on point. I hope to get to that level for a male of course one day.

    thank you so much! :D
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    but doesnt this happen if you over eat on anything?

    Does what happen? Insulin response? No, it doesn't.
  • If you really want to know, read one of Gary Taubes books, "Good Calories, Bad Calories" or "Why we get fat". He gives the best explanation of the low sugar carb theory of nutrition out there. You can also watch the documentary "Fat Head" or go to that movie's website. I'm not advocating anything, but if you really want to know why some people think sugar carbs are bad for weight loss (or nutrition in general) those are the best sources.
  • Carbs create a hormonal reaction in the body that can slow down or even stop weight loss for most people. If you are insulin resistant (and most overweight people are), you have to avoid highly dense carb sources, like bread. Otherwise, the hormonal response will stop your weight loss. It's possible to heal your body of this problem, but most of us don't try until it's too late, which is a big reason why yo-yo dieting is such a problem. I won't say that an occasional piece of bread is going to kill you, but it will slow you down on your goal of losing weight, or if you are really resistant to insulin it might help you put on a little weight. Your best bet is to reduce your carbs to no more than 30% of your daily calories (lower than 100g a day, aim for 50-75) so that you can lose weight, and to make sure those carbs are coming from things like veggies. You don't want to use them all up in one go by eating a candy bar! Once you've hit goal, you can play around with your carb goal to see where you don't lose weight, but don't gain either.
    After all of this, though, I want to add - for many people, one slice of bread causes a binge. You might be better off avoiding starchy carbs altogether until you stop craving them - then you know you won't end up going overboard with them if all you want is one slice!
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    but doesnt this happen if you over eat on anything?

    Does what happen? Insulin response? No, it doesn't.

    Sorry forgot to quote xD was to the post above you saying that if you eat too many carbs they store as fat
  • If you really want to know, read one of Gary Taubes books, "Good Calories, Bad Calories" or "Why we get fat". He gives the best explanation of the low sugar carb theory of nutrition out there. You can also watch the documentary "Fat Head" or go to that movie's website. I'm not advocating anything, but if you really want to know why some people think sugar carbs are bad for weight loss (or nutrition in general) those are the best sources.

    ^^^THIS^^^ Exactly what you can do!!!
  • For years I was told to go on lowfat diets. The government, doctors, dietians and just about all the large companies of the food industry went on the lowfat kick. Everytime I went on one of those lowfat diets, I gained weight. The doctors told me I was doing something wrong. Three years ago I found out about low carb dieting and lost 180 pounds in 13 months. Fantastic, right? Not so! No maintenance program left me with two years of "wandering" and gaining 100 pounds of that back. BUT THEN:

    All that to say this: Everyone has a different combination of carb & fat burning processes. I'm a fast "oxidizer" which means that if I don't burn up my carbs right after eating, they will go into "storage".

    Find out how you burn your calories. That my advice after 30 years of trying. It's nice to know why I am the way am. Hopefully it won't take you that long. Good Luck!
  • JLKL75
    JLKL75 Posts: 7 Member
    carbs are actually essential for weight loss! You just have to eat proper carbs(and the right serving size) like whole foods such as whole wheat/whole grain items like bread or pasta, oatmeal or brown rice. These are good carbs that will help fuel your body and your brain. Bad carbs come in the form of anything white (bread,pasta,rice) which are refined, stripped of their nutrients and overly processed. Since they are already processed, your body takes no time to digest the bad carb leaving you soon hungry and storing all the fats, where as a good carb, your body needs to take the time to digest and breakdown the whole food which in turn leaves you feeling satisfied for longer and gives your body the chance to absorb all the healthy nutrients. Keep in mind that healthy carbs also come in fruits, veggies, beans and so many more natural foods. If it's in nature, then it cant be bad!

    If you are still afraid of carbs, try to have most of your carbs in the morning with your breakfast, this will also help you eat fewer calories during the day!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    but doesnt this happen if you over eat on anything?

    Does what happen? Insulin response? No, it doesn't.

    Sorry forgot to quote xD was to the post above you saying that if you eat too many carbs they store as fat

    Exceeding calorie needs in general yes. If you spike your blood sugar from carbs with nowhere to put it, it goes immediately to fat storage regardless of exceeding calorie needs or not. Then, you have to try and unlock that fat to be used as energy.

    Things made from whole grain flour are not any better than white flour(which is actually what) in terms of insulin response. Whole grain means in one piece or few large pieces, not flour!
  • Marisela233
    Marisela233 Posts: 48 Member
    I have been scared of carbs for too long and I dont know why!! Im talking about starch! I love bread and oatmeal but cant eat them without feeling guilty! Why are carbs so bad for weight loss?
    They're not!

    It depends on who you are. Some people don't "do" carbs well, like myself, and breads, flours and grains are a waste of time. All my body requires for high energy and fat/weight loss is vegetables and occasionally fruits (berries for the most part).

    very true unlike yourself i cant run on just fruits and veggies i get good energy and feel full for a little longer with a good cereal, every body responds to things differently but of course too much of something isnt always good :)
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Too many carbs are bad. The right amount at the right time is essential. Carb in morning, before and after workout.

    Actually - not essential at all. There is zero daily requirement for carbs. You must eat some protein and some fat for sustained life, but you could live a long, healthy life and never have another carb (if you got the vitamins and minerals from another source of course.)

    Not saying don't eat veggies by any means, just throwing this out there.
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