

  • I'm proud of myself because it's only a week in to my "Weightloss Journey" and I've lost 4 pounds!
  • I'll do it! I actually tried my first round of P90X a year ago...I lost 10 pounds and a ton of inches pretty quickly but sort of wimped out near the end and didn't complete the 90 days. This time it'll be nice to have a support system!
  • Eggs used to make me feel sick too, and I completely forgot that avocados make me feel like dying as well. I don't get gas or throw up, it's just a really bad pain that takes FOREVER to go away. Eggs are fine (and delicious) now, but I've cut out avocado which I didn't love in the first place :) Glad to know I'm not the…
  • I don't think there's anything wrong with them! I could try a fresh bunch though :) Thanks for responding, guys! I posted this question on Livestrong.com and someone yelled at me saying "THE FORUM IS NOT FOR MEDICAL ADVICE. Go talk to your doctor!" Rude.
  • I appreciate the pep talk so much! :) I don't feel at all like giving up and I know it will be worth it in the end. I am getting married in three months and although I won't look exactly how I want, I'll feel healthier and happier and be a better partner to my fiance. Just gotta keep fighting. Off I go to spin class!
  • Wow, thanks for so many replies! The reason I'm concerned is that I'm 190 pounds and only 5'2". I feel like I have a lot of fat to lose. Although I am feeling like a badass for working so hard I feel hopelessly far away from my goal. I still don't feel like I've accomplished that much.