toniwoo88 Member


  • yummm, chocolate!!!
  • I feel the very same way. Having an open diary makes me feel like my MFP friends are holding me accountable for what Im eating and that I dont want to be a hypocrite. Although I do have my slips every now and then, I dont let it happen to often.
  • I've been logging my foods for about 60 days now. MFP has really helped me because when I started my weightloss and healthy living journey I was eating good but my portion sixes were horrible. MFP has challenged me to be mindful of what and how much I'm eating and to measure everything I eat. I really appreciate that…
  • I love working out at the gym or at home, blasting my music. I have never been in a group fitness class so Islam how I would feel about it.
  • I've learned to love the burn! It feels so good and I know that the burn means that my muscles are gttn a great workout!
  • I love going to the gym. It's not a full sized gym but not small by far. I don't like people taking forever on a machine either, but I am on the mix3 elliptical for 40 minutes, so other people may think I take too long. Other than that my experience at this gym has been far more successful than at any other gym because I…