

  • This is great, thanks! Everything in me is saying I'd be happy with the Jawbone. I'm all about using my iPhone to keep track of fitness and exercise, so it's more than likely I'll be using the app which, from reviews, looks to be better than the Fitflex. The fact that the Jawbone it isn't wireless doesn't bother me at all…
  • Yeah, I've read a lot of negatives about them being glorified (not to mention inaccurate!) pedometers. The vibrating alarm on the Up really appeals to me and I prefer the look as well. I'd like to have something quite discreet. Having said that, I haven't seen the Fuelband in person. It's tough!
  • I've never heard of BodyMedia - will have to do some research! softwind, I'd eliminated the FitBit Flex from my search, but it is lower in price. I'd love to hear some feedback when you've got it!
  • I can't help with tightening up belly fat (although would love an answer myself) but I'm currently doing couch to 5k. I considered getting a treadmill but decided to go out on the roads instead - it's so much nicer getting fresh air and theres a breeze to keep cool. I love running past people, they always smile or give me…
  • Hi, I'm 23 and I'd love to lose around 60-70lbs. I've set my goal low because I didn't want to feel as if I'm not getting anywhere but I'm currently at 185lbs. Feel free to add me :)
  • Ouch! I had a pair of Mizuno shoes which were lovely but I was fitted wrong so had to buy a new pair with different cushioning. Now I've got a pair by Adidas which I'm really happy with. They recommended I go a whole size up, something I never normally do, as your feet can swell by a size when running! If I were you, I'd…
  • Hi! I'm new here too! I'm currently at 189, having put on about 70lbs in the last four or five years - it looks even worse written down than it looks on me! I'm never going to be the size I was when I was 20 so I'm aiming to lose 35lbs to start with. Hoping to increase the figure as I go along rather than feel like a…