

  • Hello All, Recently Diagnosed in May 2014 with Crohn's Granulomatous Colitis and NOT in remission yet. I swear I eat more pills than food. The "bad" foods affect me pretty much within the hour of eating them. I can't even look at a salad, raw fruits/veggies or any dairy with lactose, lots of caffeine, spicy food of ANY…
  • Update: The best news- NO CANCER!!!! But,It is either Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis. I will find out for sure in a week or so after biopsy results, but my doctor feels like it is Crohn's Disease more. I also have some kind of non-related stomach disease that produces too much acid called Erosive Esophagitis. I went through…
  • Thank you Rivka_M. I got a little of the blood work back from the doctor. She said that I test negative for Celiac Disease and does not think I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome. She thinks I have some kind of inflammatory bowel disease- like Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis (like you said and you have). She said she will know…
  • Thanks to all that replied! And thank you all for talking some sense into me. My more immediate concern was I just don't want to be treated poorly again and on my dime for a whole lot of nothing, especially if the symptoms are reducing/going away. Regardless of my comparatively petty concern, I suppose it IS worth finding…
  • Would you still go to GI doctor, even if symptoms are improving? Thanks
  • Happy Sunday! Started back with Leslie Sansone's Ultimate 5-Day Plan. Yep, it is still my favorite ;p. However, not as many miles as I planned, not too many miles this week due to patellar tendonitis (UGH!!). Hoping to do better in the coming week. Be blessed and happy walking to all! 10/08/13- Start Day 1 mile with warm…
  • I'm BACK! Great to be home :) I was so sad to leave a few months ago, but I couldn't stay away any longer. I missed you all and so did my weight loss progress (or lack of progress). I know I am a little late for October, so I will just commit to 20 miles this month to get back started. Here's to a great month :D Best…