caitlinashe511 Member


  • I know this is a year later, but I thought I'd add my 2 cents!! I've worked in restaurants for years upon years. I am now returning to the serving world after a 2 1/2 year break, and during this break I have been much healthier and fit. I'm struggling now, because I see weight packing back on despite my walking miles and…
  • How great to see all of these responses!! Do y'all want to start NOW or this weekend or????
  • Yes yes I am in, but should we start a fresh thread??
  • Sounds like you might need to shake up your routine a bit. Maybe try a new sport? Sign up for a race or competition of sorts? I'm part of Tone it Up... it's kinda pricey (~$150) but they have all sorts of stuff like challenges and recipe updates and the like. It keeps things fresh and interesting! There are some bloggers…
  • Hey! I'm right there with you. Looking toned and fit like a fitness model is my goal as well! What BMI are you shooting for? Here's to looking and feeling strong....but most importantly being strong!!! To xmashalffast --- If you went over, work out extra hard now and/or "self correct" tomorrow... eat less than you did on…
  • You guysssss I watched myself binge at lunch today and I went over my calorie intake....was too ashamed to even put in all the homemade tortilla chips (read: greasier) in the log. Then I promised myself that I'd do P90X this afternoon, got too caught up with work, and now it's too late (lesson learned: ALWAYS do work outs…
  • Thanks for all the advice, girls! I looked into the TDEE and other calculations, and I've come up with 8,800 cals/wk. I'm doing a lot of intervals and bodyweight circuits until I leave from here, so hopefully I'll tighten up a lot. Re: the whole living in West Africa thing... yes yes I have been here since 2011. If y'all…
  • Hey! I'd totally like to join in on this star chart! My name is Caitlin, I'm new. I'm currently living in West Africa as a volunteer and have been here for two years, but my service is coming to a close on Sept 19th! Then off to a wonderful vacation and back in my mom's house on Oct 12th (25 and living at home...great).…
  • Way to go gals! I am right there with you....I'm launching my own 30 day challenge because I have 30 days before I make my big debut back into the real world. I detailed my plan in my blog, if y'all want to check it out. Anyways, MFP is saying that I can only lose 1.4 lbs/week, even if I set it to -2 lbs/week. What's with…
  • Hey! Welcome! I'm relatively new, too. I am 5'7" and currently weigh 140 lbs, shooting for 125 lbs (I have a small frame). Things I have found that are good for shaping up are: POP Pilates with Cassey Ho, P90X, Insanity. I also use resistance bands and have seen a lot of progress in my arms.
  • Hey! New here! I am 5'7" and my CW is 138, my GW is 125, but after that we'll see how I look. I have a small frame but really big boobs (ugh) so being thinner kind of offsets them. I was really thin my whole life up until my junior/senior years of college when I ballooned to like 145-150. I really want to lose atleast 5…
  • Looks like I've been way over doing it on the sugar level... I live in Africa, so all the fruits available are tropical and I don't have much in the realm of protein and whole grains and vegetables. I also seem to have been heavy on the peanuts and crackers! Now that I can see where I'm going wrong by tracking my food…
  • Hey! I'm looking for motivation and friends as well! I actually had been thin my entire life up until junior year of college when I ballooned... I've changed a lot of habits but not all of the weight has come off. Using MFP to learn about what kinds of calories I'm eating (mainly sugar, I assume haha!) and to get me on…