trahpeg Member


  • Maybe set a different goal for the trip-set your goal at no weight gain and try to maintain. That way, you will still feel good about what you have accomplished and have fun at the same time. Feeling like you are in denial, at least for me anyway, sometimes leads to overdoing it. Enjoy!
  • :happy: Congratulations!!! Way to go!!
  • OOps-just learning how to use this system. I figure, why obsess about one day. You can't change what you can't change. Change only what you can.
  • I'm trying it again, too. Welcome to the party! I also was here about a year ago and surprisingly, I was in the same spot I am now--so, I didn't gain anything in a year-at least I can look at that as an accomplishment. Good luck!:bigsmile:
    in I'm back Comment by trahpeg August 2009