

  • I, too, had to lose 25# to join the navy. I was 240#, and got down to 215# over a few months. I was reading about people who successfully engender new habits, and it's important to work up to it, to really make it a priority. Start planning a week ahead, over-indulge in your favorite foods a couple days before so you don't…
  • it's just a page, should take 3 minutes to read. backstory, context, and specifics are important. If you said, 'i need motivation help!', now, how could we help you? it's such an empty prompt.
  • I have a moderate problem with food addiction. I associate eating with entertainment, and with stress, both. As I understand it, electronic cigarettes have half the equation: there's something in your mouth, it feels like a cigarette in part! So if I'm going to snack, rather than struggling in vain against the urge, I do…
  • btw, I've been fluctuating between 240 and 245# depending on water weight mainly, for at least the past month if not two. Today the scale read 238#! Been a while. I've eaten 3400 calories in the past 2 days that I've been counting legitimately closely. I'm realistic enough to know that it may not be real weight loss in…
  • quick question. So today I ate a fair bit in the morning, but then went from 7am to 7pm on 700 calories, and went to a workout session at the local rec center. I was shocked to find myself shaking and uncoordinated after just 20-30 minutes! Of really only moderate work. We were doing squats --kindof a weakness of mine,…
  • Well, this is my second day of REALLY being honest with myself. I mean, for the whole year from say 2011 to middle of 2012 I was eating chic fil a daily --including a shake-- REALLY bad. But that was already a year ago. So I thought that I was being 'good' in contrast for this entire past year by sharply cutting down on…
  • Not seriously enough, in honest truth. Giving it a greater shot going forward. Can I count exercise? If the elliptical says I burned 400 calories, is it true? If an online estimator says that a 5 miles brisk walk is 650 calories for a 240# man such as myself, is that accurate, too-- and I can eat 650 more calories? (but…
  • just checking: you believe that the content of that blog is GOOD, and what will prove amusing is Taubes' book in contrast? Ok, sounds like the voice of moderation: "The big picture solution is in managing total caloric balance with a predominance of minimally refined foods and sufficient physical activity. Pointing the…
  • As a further qualification, at my current fitness and body weight, I do have trouble expending tons of energy in intensive exercise. I can only jog 1/2mi - 3/4 mi, I can only do 30 pushups, etc. It might be that someone already composed of all lean muscle with 5% body fat is going to eat 5000 calories of all sorts of carbs…
  • Interesting. So if the Glycemic Index is where I should actually be looking, there are some revelations: One is that sugar and bananas are darn close to each other, and honey too-- while carrots. Carrots! I thought those were perfect snack foods. Are near the top, next to corn flakes (many cereals) and above even high…
  • Hahahaha. I should actually check out the 'stickies' here, or on bodybuilding-- locally there's a gym called ferrell's that has some nutrition advice, or I can use p90x's nutrition calculator-- well, what else should I read?
  • Thanks for the measured response. That makes sense-- just read the article (or maybe it was only the abstract-- it was suspiciously short). Even Taubes did have a line agreeing with this statement (about carbs locked behind fiber): "But an apple is a whole different matter. The sugars are locked within the matrix of the…
  • also, don't kill yourself every day. run every other day-- it needs a day's rest.
  • I'm fat, and I still hate running. I'm 5'7" and 235# on a good day, 240# on a bad one. My shins hurt first, then my feet hurt. My newly acquired brother-in-law invited me over for a week of training; he was into jogging for quite a while. I don't know if it'll help you, but it helped me a lot... My form was terrible, and…