

  • Ya! You have plenty of time. If you are running 3 miles regularly now you are all set to go. check out training schedules online. Search for half marathon ones and find one that seems right for you. They are all very similar and are all roughly 12 weeks. Good luck!
  • Be ready for shock everywhere, because with the health care reform, it will be a nation wide thing where all restaurants have to list the nutritional content. Many have already started. Nevertheless, I think one can eat at places like Joe’s and not be “cloaked in shame.” I’m not apposed to going once in a great while with…
  • LIke the others have said, did you enter your personal settings (hight, weight, resting heart rate...?) But if you are walking at a brisk pace for 30 min you can easily burn 350 calories.
  • I'm not 100% certain about this, especially humidity. But I do take a "hot yoga" class where yoga is done in a room that is heated to around 100 degrees, and you do have an increased heart rate and burn more calories because your body is working to keep cool on top of working to do the postures. Regular yoga, I burn around…
    in Humidity Comment by Chiclet26 May 2011
  • I agree with the others. While you may be getting fiber and carbs from fresh fruit, you're not getting the fats and proteins your body needs. Try smoothies that you can put yogurt in, or protein powder. However, I would just try eating food. A cold salad with chicken...something. Liquid diets are not only had to stick to,…
  • Ah yes, the jiggle. The boob bounce doesn't bother me anymore, ever since I got a better bra. Make sure you don't just have a tight hold-em down kind of bra. I got a "high impact" underwire one and it's works like a dream! What still bothers me is the butt/thigh jiggle. I've started running this year and doing a lot of…
  • Unfortunately, no. Once the skin is stretched to the point of damage (the scar) it won't go back. But they can fade a bit and get lighter. A fake tan really helps hide them. Believe me, I've been wishing mine away for years. I gained a lot of weight over a short period of time and they've been with me ever since.
  • Awesome! Nothing like a good boost! I love it when that happens!
  • Thanks everyone. This helps me to keep going and stick to me daily goals, because some days, it's soooooooo hard. :-)
  • Good for you! Seriously! That's some mega restraint! I stay as far away from 5 guys as I can. I don't think I could have walked away like that. You are my hero for the day. YAY!
  • Ya, you did say you looked a bit "leaner." Maybe you have gained some muscle mass.