wiscck Member


  • I wear a long-sleeved performance material shirt, a lightweight jacket (hooded is best), running tights, gloves, and wool socks, hat, and cowl. Loose cowl if it's not super cold, tall, tight cowl if it's teens or lower. If it's below the teens I put wool mittens on over my cheap stretchy gloves. I've been good down to…
  • I wouldn't be surprised if it was due to all of the Christmas gifts people got. I got a Fitbit for Christmas, and I bet a lot of other people did, too.
  • The only way I can see this as a good idea is if they have machines that are rated for a higher weight than normal gyms. And, truthfully, there are large people out there who are self conscious of how they look and might appreciate a gym where everyone else is in the same boat as them. I'm not one of them, but there are…
  • I got the Force for Christmas and I'm liking it so far.
    in Fitbit Comment by wiscck December 2013
  • I quick added 4000 calories in the morning and then went crazy. I regret nothing.
  • If your band size is 38 or above, Lane Bryant has a fabulous sports bra. http://www.lanebryant.com/active/sports-bras/sport-by-cacique-convertible-underwire-sport-bra/20230c20242p127197/index.pro?selectedColor=Charcoal%20Gray&selectedSize=None%20selected I'm a 38 G and it works really well.
  • That's pretty much my taste in guys, too. And I have to say, the guys with a layer of fat over their muscles are a lot more comfortable to cuddle with. That being said, I've dated guys in a wide range of builds, because a great personality really will do wonders for an otherwise unattractive guy, but if you gave me a range…
  • Many women (myself included) have had men catcall us and then have it escalated into something more threatening. When a man hollers at us we have no idea if he's going to be one of the guys who just wants to holler and keeps moving on, or one of the guy who is going to get violent if we don't give him the attention he…
  • So he wants to spot reduce pecs, not boobs. Got it.
  • I'm beginning to think so. Especially since the OP's profile says he's a dude.
  • Tape two five-pound sandbags to your chest and come back to me in ten years and see how you feel.
  • Do you have any sewing skills? You could buy black ribbon, take out the lacing, and sew in the ribbon in the same pattern but with a wider gap.
  • Minimizer bra.
  • I'm working. Later tonight, I sing at church, and then my family gets schnockered on Bailey's and eats cheese and sausage and crackers. It's a family tradition.
  • I don't have access to JSTOR any more.
  • http://www.ndaa.org/pdf/the_voice_vol_3_no_1_2009.pdf This is from the National Center for Prosecution of Violence Against Women. It's a long, but interesting read. And, actually most false reports are women saying "I was raped" but not naming a rapist. So of that 8-10% of false reports, a minority of them are women saying…
  • Still pretty rare. That means that by far most reported rapes are not false reports.
  • http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2009/10/how_often_do_women_falsely_cry_rape.2.html This debunks the low (2%) number and the high (40-90%) number and comes up with 8-10% of rapes being falsely reported. And again, this includes women who falsely accused a specific man of rape, women who said…
  • I'm in Wisconsin, but MFP is not where I look for dates.
  • http://www.rainn.org/get-information/statistics/reporting-rates 60% will go unreported.
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_accusation_of_rape#FBI_statistics FBI statistics say unfounded accusations of rape (which is false accusations AND accusations where there is little evidence) is 8%.
  • I would also like to point out that false accusations of rape are very rare. And that unreported rapes are fairly common.
  • Well, since the women in this thread have been informed multiple times how not to be harassed (when the logical answer is "Men should not harass women") the tables have been turned. Sure, the logical answer should be "Women shouldn't make false claims of rape" but, instead, we're going to tell men not to have sex with…
  • Very true.
  • I'd like to do away with the selective service entirely, but as it works right now, men aren't being drafted either. If I remember correctly from when my brother signed up (which was a decade ago) the only thing that happened was that he got a lot of armed forces recruitment brochures, but I got a lot of them too when I…
  • Congress would have to reinstate the draft in order for that to happen. Maybe you should check your facts before you start spouting nonsense.
  • So, the article I was thinking of wasn't an article, it was a comment on another article. From http://dish.andrewsullivan.com/2012/03/28/the-terror-of-catcalling-ctd-1/
  • I saw an article somewhere that explained that straight men's fear of gay men is actually the fear that the gay men will treat them the way they treat women -- as objects. Fascinating. I should try to find it.
  • Does it have the Oaxaca decomposition for men vs. women? If so, I'd love to see it. (econ nerd)
  • It's a man with a vagina. Which illustrates sexism so well -- it assumes that women are lesser than men, so therefore a man being called a woman is the worst insult possible.