Thank you! I feel bad you've experienced it but I'm happy someone knows what it's like. I will definitely take your advice. The water could have done it too
The only reason I'm less worried about fainting from pain is because my doctor told me before I have a very sensitive vagus nerve however if it happens again I will definitely go to my doctor.
I will definitely keep that in mind. I'm doing some hopping around on the internet and I'm seeing my symptoms are similar what happens to others when they start to work out. I think I will try to eat a lighter or healthier lunch and instead of doing the full 3 miles I'll start with 1 or 2 and see how I feel after. I know I…
I'm sure the vomiting could have been caused from the pain because I know that's happened to me before. But I may try this exercise tomorrow and go for a smaller duration and see what happens. If I still get really sick then I'll definitely go see my doctor.
The workout was just 3 Fast Miles - Walk away the pounds. It was literally just walking with some arm movements and little things thrown in. It wasn't even hard it was just constant moving.
OMGosh you're an MBLAQ fan too???