DreaEder Member


  • Hi! I am four weeks PP and in a similar situation...I was about 20 pounds overweight when I became pregnant, and then put on 39 pounds during my pregnancy. The first two weeks I lost 21 pounds but I still have 18 pounds to go to reach my prepregnancy weight and another 21 pounds to go to reach my goal weight (so I'm…
  • Hi there! My name is Andrea (aka Dre) and I just had my little girl a month ago. I was twenty pounds overweight when I got pregnant and then I put on forty pounds. I had her on March 11th and thanks to breastfeeding I've lost 22 of the pounds I've gained... However I still have 17 pounds to go to reach my prepregnancy…
  • I myself have found that when I don't log in on bad days, one missing log in tends to turn into two, or three days, and then most of the time it's weeks or months before I log in again, and give up entirely. Then, I get angry at myself that I haven't seen any progress. I've finally decided that I'm going to start holding…