How to Log in on Bad Days



  • slk_5555
    slk_5555 Posts: 177 Member
    I always log it in - sometimes it's not as bad as you think. At least if I log it in, I can then work out what I need to do for the rest of the week to make up for the binge. If I don't log it, I run the risk of giving up for the week & doing more damage - much easier to nip it in the bud quick & stay on track.
  • Kadoober
    Kadoober Posts: 289 Member
    Sometimes you know you've indulged beyond your calories, but you really don't know by how much.

    I go out for a meal once almost every weekend. I tend to eat a variety of things when I do, and accurately judging all the ingredients in accurate portions is really hard. It's darn nigh impossible to log.

    When this happens, I log the highest # of calories I feel I consumed, as 'quick add' calories, and then I make a brief note of what I ate in the daily food notes.

    This way, I have accounted for eating, and if I find that I maintained my weight for the week, or gained, or didn't lose what I was expecting, I at least have some sort of reference to point to what the problem may have been.

    *Oh ballz... maybe those delightful little crab dumplings were WAY more than I thought, if I want those again, I best make sure I have a bit of extra calories hanging out from lunch*

    Logging everything is invaluable.
  • DreaEder
    DreaEder Posts: 3 Member
    I myself have found that when I don't log in on bad days, one missing log in tends to turn into two, or three days, and then most of the time it's weeks or months before I log in again, and give up entirely. Then, I get angry at myself that I haven't seen any progress. I've finally decided that I'm going to start holding myself accountable for good decisions as well as my bad ones, and just do the best I can. This thread has been extremely helpful and inspirational and I really needed that!
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    You need to log everything, every day. Good days, bad days, doesn't matter. The only time I won't be logging is holidays - I won't be logging on Easter, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. Every other day, I'll be logging. I go over my calories every Saturday and Sunday because I eat my exercise calories from the week during the weekends. As long as I'm under my weekly limit, it's fair game.

    How to log in on bad days? Just do it! There are no tips or tricks for that. It has to come from you, not us.
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I had a bad day today. I made bad choices and didn't even try to control myself. I was SO tempted to 1) not log it and 2) binge for the rest of the night. But I made myself log everything. The calories don't go away just because I pretend they didn't happen.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I log the good, the bad, and even the horrifying. I wear a FitBit, so I can go to that site and see how I did for the week and make adjustments the following week.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I had a bad day today. I made bad choices and didn't even try to control myself. I was SO tempted to 1) not log it and 2) binge for the rest of the night. But I made myself log everything. The calories don't go away just because I pretend they didn't happen.

    Sucks, doesn't it?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Your body keeps a perfect record of what you ate, even when you are in denial.

    Log it ALL, the good, the bad, and the ugly. It will make you more accountable to yourself.
  • nedtoloseme
    nedtoloseme Posts: 98 Member
    You need to log everything, every day. Good days, bad days, doesn't matter. The only time I won't be logging is holidays - I won't be logging on Easter, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. Every other day, I'll be logging. I go over my calories every Saturday and Sunday because I eat my exercise calories from the week during the weekends. As long as I'm under my weekly limit, it's fair game.

    How to log in on bad days? Just do it! There are no tips or tricks for that. It has to come from you, not us.
  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    Log it all. You can still make your weekly goals (If you have any).
  • taytothebeach
    taytothebeach Posts: 9 Member
    Don't let your mind get this negative control over you. If you are going to be "bad" Own it, keep track of it and don't let the red number scare you. We all have bad days with food. Just look at my journal. I am good maybe 4/7 days if I'm lucky. Oh well, That stupid red number does not make me a bad person, I still love myself and so do all my friends. End of story. I log bad days because what you eat in private, you wear in public :) and I'm sick of saying things like, "i just don't know why I'm fat!" I DO know why I am fat, and I am working on steps :)
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Always log. Always. We tend to underestimate how bad the damage is for the day. Start looking at your weekly goals. If you find that you have days like this a lot, you may need to rethink your plan. You may not be eating enough.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    Bumping to reread when I need to remember that I need to log it all. Great words, everyone!
  • mom2tripsn2
    mom2tripsn2 Posts: 64 Member
    I love this thread! I log all of my food...but I do, occasionally "roll" my calories to the next day. So, for example, if I have an average breakfast and snack day, a big-ish lunch, and then get home and everyone else in my family wants pizza, I don't necessarily sit sulking in the corner with my salad that I had planned to have...I will maybe have 2 pieces of pizza, put one on the day I'm actually in and one in the next day. Then I start the next day already KNOWING that I have a slice of pizza to's right there in my I do an extra work out or I make sure I eat a lighter lunch or something. It's encouraging for me to see the numbers in the green, so this keeps me from feeling like a bad day was SUCH a bad day. Now, I have only been here for 1 month, but I will say I am starting to be more okay with red numbers some days because i have started to see some real results and I know I am eating at a large deficit. So, going over by 45 calories isn't going to break my spirit at this point, if you know what I mean. Also, there are times when I think I've had a really horrible day that, once I log, it wasn't as bad as I expected.

    So, long story short, I agree with everyone else who said the key thing is to log everything...good, bad and you have a real picture of what you are putting in your body.
  • jennifries227
    jennifries227 Posts: 113 Member
    Yesterday I was depressed and ate over 1000 calories in cake. And I logged it. Not because I wanted to depress myself even more, but because I knew I had to log to allow myself to see patterns and to learn from my mistakes.

    Yes, it's depressing to see the calorie counts go into the red, but when you see it, ask yourself if it was worth it. If it was, good! If it wasn't, then learn from it and move on.

    You aren't going to be perfect. And that's completely fine. No one else is, either. And no one else is judging you for mistakes you make.
  • lindabeth333
    lindabeth333 Posts: 130 Member
    I log everything but if I have an over calories day and feel bummed about it -- I look at the weekly report and not just one day - its the cumulative effect that matters over time.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I don't see the point of this. You don't like seeing the red? Then don't go over. Simple.

    You're only cheating yourself, I sure as hell don't care if someone else goes over in their diary. Everyone has bad days, they get over it, and do better tomorrow.
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    LOL Just don't log it...there problem solved!!

    I'm kidding....

    Log it, kick yourself in the *kitten* and dwell for a couple hours, then resume life again....
  • jennifer_a00
    jennifer_a00 Posts: 186 Member
    I am having one of those days today. And I'm logging every sad bite. Let's just day the Easter candy won today. But if I don't log it, it messes me up more in the long run, brcause I pay attention to my weekly numbers too. Logging it actually help me get back on track.
  • McKenzieLeigh
    McKenzieLeigh Posts: 113 Member
    I love this thread! I log all of my food...but I do, occasionally "roll" my calories to the next day. So, for example, if I have an average breakfast and snack day, a big-ish lunch, and then get home and everyone else in my family wants pizza, I don't necessarily sit sulking in the corner with my salad that I had planned to have...I will maybe have 2 pieces of pizza, put one on the day I'm actually in and one in the next day. Then I start the next day already KNOWING that I have a slice of pizza to's right there in my I do an extra work out or I make sure I eat a lighter lunch or something. It's encouraging for me to see the numbers in the green, so this keeps me from feeling like a bad day was SUCH a bad day. Now, I have only been here for 1 month, but I will say I am starting to be more okay with red numbers some days because i have started to see some real results and I know I am eating at a large deficit. So, going over by 45 calories isn't going to break my spirit at this point, if you know what I mean. Also, there are times when I think I've had a really horrible day that, once I log, it wasn't as bad as I expected.

    So, long story short, I agree with everyone else who said the key thing is to log everything...good, bad and you have a real picture of what you are putting in your body.

    I did this last weekend. We had my husbands frat party reunion. We had a nice dinner and a few drinks and we all headed to the bar. I managed to not drink any more at the bar, but when we left we went to McDonald's. It was already 11:30 pm so I just logged those calories on my breakfast for the next day so that I could keep the next days calories down and still account for my late night snack! Weekly goals still met!