

  • Typically the Caveman went without food for days at a time, when they couldn't find food. Maybe your fuelling your body efficiently and you should just go with it. Good luck
  • I have small bags of cooked chicken meat (100grams ) in snack bags, in the fridge. I buy coconuts and portion it into 50gram packets to grab and snack on, I make egg muffins and keep them in the fridge, I eat 10 to 12 macadamia nuts, If you buy beef gelatine powder, you can make jelly, with flavoured teas or fresh fruit…
  • Hi I'm a newbie to Paleo too, I'm three months in. I've found eating more fat dense foods and still counting calories works for me. A typical day for me would be 1 boiled egg for breakfast with 1/2 an avocado, and an expresso with a tablespoon of coconut oil and a teaspoon of butter in it. Then lunch is a chicken salad,…