

  • Most nurses only work 3-4 days a week on 12-hour rounds so to be quite honest long hour shifts mean nothing. [/quote] Not true, as a CNA, I worked in a skilled nursing home 2pm-6am 6 days a week.
  • I can tell only why I am not a huge fan of vaccines. We have always got our little ones vaccinated, and when our now 9 yr old got her 1 year MMR, not 30 minutes later she had 4 clustered grand mal seizures(We have NO family history of seizure disorders). They said she was "allergic" to the vaccine somehow but that it…
  • No competent doctor would be okay with anyone taking in 600 or even 800 calories a day, if said doctor does agree with it, their medical license should be pulled!!!
  • I am not a doctor however I have spent several years in the medical field. The general rule is that if you have missed 2 months or more consecutively then you need to see your OB just to make sure everything is in line blood work wise....
  • Not up for Insanity yet, but I will commit to 30 days!!!
  • I can relate a little. I don't have a problem with purging but I definitely have a problem with emotional eating. I have a much larger number I want to lose but am definitely wanting to lose 30 before I start having children. I've talked about it for years and get started in a great direction and then backslide. The…
  • Feel free to add me as well :D
  • I used his Party off the pounds about 4 years ago, and by 6 months had lost 50 pounds. I stopped working out for about the last 3 years, and have still kept that 50 off. I am now doing his DVDs again. Between Richard, Jillian Michaels, and Bob Harper, you can achieve and soar above your fitness goals!!!!