julieevink Member


  • It is so very very true. I got married last August and put on about 8 lbs within 6 months. At supper I would say oh he's eating that and so can I or he's having chips tonight and ice cream and....you get the picture. Unfortunately he's a carpenter and is working actively all day long and has about 7 inches on me so I can't…
  • I'm the same height and am currently 168 lbs with a goal of 150 lb. Feel free to add me anyone! This is the lowest weight I've ever been and hope to keep going strong :)
  • julieseatsandtreats.blogspot.com
  • I'm doing the couch to 5k plan right now and I think it's great! I was scared to death to tackle trying to run a 5k but this builds up gradually and it seems way easier in your head which is of course the major obstacle. Believe you can do it and you will be able too! I'm up to 25 minutes and have never been a runner at…