rdsalem88 Member


  • McDouble plain, no top bun. I order it once in awhile for my fast food fix.
  • Although the machine is telling you that you are burning 1000 calories, I'd still err on the side of caution. Even with the general input of weight/age etc, machines have been known to inflate the amount of calories that you are actually burning. I stay conservative with how much cardio machines tell me I'm burning i.e. if…
  • I get that, but that doesn't mean that there isn't ANY value in seeing what others are doing. I think there is tremendous value in seeing other people's numbers to compare to your personal needs (especially if these people have had success). It can reaffirm that you are taking a proper path to weight loss, or you can see…
  • Maybe I'm too new to this site and I haven't seen enough posts like this, so I'm not as cynical about this subject haha. Judging by her post though, it seems that she has genuine naivety about how to approach her diet and was seeking out quick feedback for comparisons sake. Once one gets the proper feedback and info, then…
  • For all you people saying and agreeing with the notion that it is pointless to be asking the calories others are eating, are you serious?! There is a lot of value in seeing what others are doing to achieve similar goals. Reading up on other people's plans who had a similar body type as mine helped me set realistic goals…
  • If you want to order a salad or order any other type of lite-menu option, just order it and don't look back! Don't let your friends make you feel insecure about the food choices you make. In fact, I find that owning up to it immediately diffuses the situation. If a friend gives you a hard time about it, say something…
  • No one is arguing that diet soda is a health food. We all know that it's not nurturing. However, we are adults and we are allowed to indulge. And misinformation about the safety of food products people deem poisonous without any scientific claims to back it up should be called out for spreading such nonsense. The fact is…