

  • Thank you for constantly helping :) So I should eat 5 times a day.. My food today is: Breakfast: Bran cereal with milk Banana Green tea Glass of water Snack: Cereal bar Lunch: Grilled chicken Broccoli Carrots Green tea Water Snack: Blueberries Apple Dinner: Steak Broccoli Brown rice Carrots Green tea Water I'd love to know…
  • I think that might be it although when I first lost weight I felt great! I think it's because I'm getting more and more worried about not losing it how I did before, before I lost about 3-4 pounds a week now I'm struggling to lose one! I only lost 3 a couple day back because I did this military diet but that's unhealthy…
  • Thank you so much to everyone who's commented, I don't feel so alone now which is a lovely feeling! To everyone saying 'if the guy you're seeing wants you to lose weight ditch him' he's actually saying the complete opposite, he says he loves the way I am and think I'm going to end up hurting myself if I keep worrying about…
  • Thank you for replying again! So do you have a certain diet you stick to or do you just eat what you feel like in those categories when you like?
  • So I should keep eating around 600-800 calories and ill be fine? But I haven't lost weight in a month and have hardly eaten anything! This is why I'm confused! :/
  • Hiya barbie, I looked at it and the food on it seems so hard to cook/find/pay for.. Plus it keeps saying whey protein, what's that and what does it do? :) thank you for helping though ill keep reading through it! :) x And tavinsmum, I'm 19 and definitely over weight, I can't even lose 3lbs a week.. If I was I'd be…
  • Thank you mpawlicki, but I just don't know what foods to eat! That's my problem I have no idea what meals to eat so I just try not to.. It's really getting me down I feel like if I eat more ill gain more if i don't eat ill store the fat.
  • The problem isn't that I start to binge, I'm actually perfectly happy not eating much I think that's the problem! I'm worried if I eat 1200 calories a day ill now gain weight.. I'm 5'5 and 12 stone so I'm majorly over weight, I'm seeing this guy at the moment and he's GORGEOUS so it's making me eat less and less! :( So I…
  • Thank you barbie but I have no idea what I should be eating? I've tried googling meal plans but can't really find anything :(
  • I'm already anaemic :S
  • I've just opened it! :)