chel325 Member


  • Omg that's exactly what happened! I started dating this wonderful man who loves to take me out vs me being super poor when I was alone! I'm going to ask him to join me in having a No-Eating-Out September with me! It's romantic to cook together I think :smile:
  • Hmm so I checked back and I noticed is while I'll scan the package and log it that way, I actually weigh the food and make sure that amount equals the exact serving size based on the package. So for instance, with the cottage cheese I think the serving size on the package is 32g even though when I logged it it says .5 cup.…
  • Thank you! This was extremely helpful! The Asian dish is this ramen thing I bought from Koreatown lol! It's all in japanese but I have another with english writing and it says 430 for the whole pot so I'm hoping that's the same with this one. I need to just start fixing my own lunch like before. Yeah and I actually weighed…
  • Yes don't worry I agree with you. I do weigh most of my things but I must be skipping some things! And yes I've been eating out way too much lately! I noticed early on in my weight loss I was very poor so I homecooked everything, now I've got someone who wants to take me out to dinner all the time and my weight is stuck!…
  • Omg I didn't notice that. Yeah I usually weigh almost everything I eat if I can. That peanut butter is 180 per tsp which I believe is 32g. This morning I only had like 17g which might be why it's 70 cals. Yes I am going to start eating less packaged foodsyou're right. When I lost weight earlier in the year I was eating…
  • Yes I have a reaaaall problem with salt! This doesn't even include the stuff I add salt too. Okay I am going to start focusing on macros, so I def need to lower carbs and up protein right
  • 4'11 and struggling with these last 30 lbs! Do you all eat at 1200?
  • 4'11 currently 131-129 (I suck and binged recently) Trying to get to 100 lbs but it seems freaking impossible. I'm frustrated if you can't tell.
  • Yeah I've been strength training for 3 years since the beginning of the journey. I still have so much body fat to lose though. I'm thinking of raising my calories to 1500 instead of 1200 and going harder with the strength since I'm down to the last 30 lbs. I'm not sure if it's for soon for me to raise my calories though,…
  • Ahhh you give me hope, yes I strength train, I've been working on arms and developing muscle but I just have so much fat left. I guess I need to keep at it!
  • I can run a 5k easily outside, I can only run like half a mile on a treadmill because it's so boring and makes it so much harder. I can also run faster outside.
  • I'm 4'11 134 and need to lose 34 pounds!
  • you are AWESOME!
  • Thanks! You are my body goal, I'm super focusing on lifting, I want to cut to around 100 and bulk back to 115 or 120!
  • 4'11 134lbs US size 6/8 bottoms S/M tops. Still considered very overweight near obese for my height. Started 246lbs size 20.
  • weigh your food, don't eat over your recommended calories. Don't eat your exercise calories back or eat 1/3rd of them, your burns seem high.
  • Cooking instead of eating out, using less oil in cooking, finding exercise I enjoy, eating the food I want no matter if they're bad or not as long as I log it!
  • I think I've posted on this thread a few times but I just keep getting smaller lol. Here is the latest. Started at 246, 3 years later and now I'm 138. I want to get to 100 and then bulk.
  • I can see my ribs when I suck in. I was an obese child so this is a first.
  • were you counting calories or just exercising? If you were only exercising you were probably still overeating, can't out run a bad diet: meaning if you take in more calories than you burn you will gain, if it's equal you will maintain and if it's less you will lose weight. BC pills can affect your appetite but they do not…
  • I'm not offended nor talking about you if this doesn't apply, not sure why you're entering yourself into the equation if it has nothing to do with you. The thread is about excuses people use on why they can't lose weight and I responded giving the ones I've heard.
  • I meal prep homemade recipes every weekend, place into tupperware to eat through out the week. I also weigh everything. It's not that hard, it's an excuse. Beginners don't even need to go through the effort that me and you do. I lost the first 60lbs guessing. Bought a scale only recently. People spend more time on netflix…
  • Yup, weight loss isn't about WHAT you eat rather HOW MUCH. You can only eat twinkies but eat under your TDEE calorie amount and you will lose weight.
  • One excuse I hear a lot is that calorie counting is hard. I spend around 5 to 10 minutes a day logging my food if it's not saved over from the previous day. How is that harder than being 100 lbs overweight someone please tell me.
  • So much fatlogic wrapped up into one block. I can't even begin... I don't know where to start lol..
  • hmm the only thing I can say is that life is hard. As an adult you have to do things you don't want to do because that's just how life works. I don't like waking at 5 and going to work for little pay but I do it because I have to. You don't like eating healthy food but you have to to have a healthy body. Just do it. Try…
  • I weigh around 144 - 142 and I want to get down around 110 so I'm on my last 30lbs though I might want to go smaller than that. I guess I'll see once I get there. I was losing 2lbs a week consistently but it's slowing down as my deficit is getting smaller. I'm trying to up my exercise to match my old deficit. Your…
  • I'm super sore from playing a pick up soccer game Saturday for the first time in 10 years but I want to run a 5k tonight after work. I think running will help stretch my sore legs!