

  • Apples & cinnamon Oatmeal and Green Bell Pepper Strips with Laughing Cow Swiss Cheese :smile:
  • Recent obsessions: Talk that Talk - Rihanna Turn me On - David Guetta ft. Nicki Minaj Tonight - Enrique Iglesias I listen to a lot of Bollywood music during my workouts too - they have really amazing beats and rhythms that I can pace myself with. If you're interested just let me know I can send you a list! :smile:
  • I agree, you won't get as bored if you're jogging or walking outside - the constant change in visuals definitely breaks up the monotony (I love running but there are definitely days when the workout feels so LONG). I recently got into videos that I can do at home so I'm not doing the same thing minute after minute for an…
  • Couldn't agree more. When it comes to losing weight I've been doing it based on actual weight and not BMI, but I have gone in to the doctor a couple times to make sure that I'm okay in terms of blood work and nutrients. It might be a good idea to see a doctor when you hit your mini goal, just to make sure that you are on…
  • I was definitely (and still am sometimes) a stress eater. It took me a while to build up the self control so I wouldn't give in to the cravings, but while I was building it up there were a couple of things that I did to help me out: 1. Snack packs - Even if we got the big bag of chips for the house, I would have them…
  • Hi! Feel free to add me too. I've been here for a few months, and it really is great to be able to have other people with you who are going through the same things!
  • Hey there! Feel free to add me too! I'm looking to live a healthier lifestyle (and shape up too). Its always great to have a group that's going through everything at the same time. :) Tina