need fun workout ideas

ok so when i started working out, i was enjoying getting on the treadmill and getting on the bike and working my *kitten* off.. but now i sit there bored. and i don't want to do it. even on the stair climber, i get bored. i listen to music and this doesn't help either. i was thinking about hiking instead of going to the gym as a way of getting fun exercise but idk any places to hike near wyoming michigan.. and i mean real hiking. mountains and terrain. i think that would be fun.. but what else? give me ideas please!


  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    IF you have a gym membership, take classes!!!!
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    Any walk outside is good. Find a nice park or rural area to walk through.

    I download books and listen to them while I run or bike. A good book can keep me going.

    Find a running or bike group to join. There are lots of them with varying abilities. Ask at running or bike stores.
  • ladynica
    ladynica Posts: 329 Member
    The mini trampoline (rebounder) is fun for me, but I find that just having variety helps keep things fun. Walk/jog/run through the park or around your neigborhood. On nice days it's also fun to run close to schools. Hearing kids outside laughing and playing helps the mood and breaks up some of the boredom.

    Buy some different workout dvds, maybe take a dance class or something that might not immediately register in your mind as exercise but still gets the heart pumping.
  • lmbigsby
    lmbigsby Posts: 36
    Zumba, you can take classes or it is available for the WII and XBox. I love it, it is the most fun I have found to burn 500-1,000 calories in less than an hour. The toning is also amazing, a good instructor will add abs, arms, etc.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Walking??....I walk around this beautiful lake and its 3 1/2 miles around the lake with the rocky mountains in the back ground!! Love it!!! :wink:
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    I find that changing my routine helps me from getting bored. Instead of using the gym equipment, get some roller blades or a bike. Just spend time outside the gym.

    You can search the internet for hiking trails in your area.
  • I agree, you won't get as bored if you're jogging or walking outside - the constant change in visuals definitely breaks up the monotony (I love running but there are definitely days when the workout feels so LONG).

    I recently got into videos that I can do at home so I'm not doing the same thing minute after minute for an hour. If you're up for it, you can try some dance aerobics or circuit training videos... just started Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred and it completed rocked my world! Fastest (but really difficult mind you) 25 mins of workout that I've done in quite some time!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I personally have a ton of fun playing my XBox 360 Kinect. Sometimes my sister and I do one on one soccer or shoot some hoops. My bf and I bought baseball mitts and toss the ball... My bf and I are currently looking for places to hike around here. That does sound really fun!
  • I wish I had an Xbox Kinect they are great! I have to mix it up to keep things interesting too. I do Zumba and have a few different other DVDs at home like pilates, resistance workouts which keep it interesting. I also do Aqua Aerobics once a week with my mum which is heaps of fun. I always thought it was for old ladies until one of my friends did it and raved about it.