rlv20 Member


  • I love my morning coffee with French vanilla creamer. I make uber-rich, dark coffee with freshly ground beans, steep it in a French press then add the perfect amount of creamer to offset the beautiful bitterness with just the right sweetness. It's an integral part of my morning. I tried very hard to give it up because the…
  • Your weight can fluctuate by multiple pounds up or down every single day. Don't take it to heart. You could weigh yourself tomorrow and it be a totally different number. Just keep doing what you're doing and eventually you'll notice a trend in loss, even if it occasionally goes up a pound or two some days.
  • Just because you're mentally in the mode to lose weight doesn't mean you will - you must follow through every single time. Count your calories. Exercise. Burn more calories than you're eating. If you don't want to use the 1200 calorie benchmark then figure out what your TDEE is and adjust your calories appropriately. If…
  • No, a fruit is a seed-bearing structure typically conveying the reproductive means of a plant. A vegetable is some other portion of the plant, be it root, leaf, stem, etc.
  • This is a question you should ask your doctor, not internet strangers.
  • One of the things that helps me (and I just did a few minutes ago) is planning out all of my food first thing in the morning. I'm in sales and travel all day in my car - if I don't have a plan it's WAY too easy to just stop and pick up something super unhealthy. Planning it all out in the morning gives me a sense of…
  • I think it's important to realize that every single Planet Fitness is different. There are three within easy driving distance of me, but I only go to one because it has the equipment I want - dedicated lifting area, squat racks, smith machines, and a huge selection of free weights + all the cardio equipment you could ever…