cndbear Member


  • He's got it good. My 10 year old and 13 year old girls do those chores as well as homework. But I do try to sit with them while they do their homework to help them or to make sure they understand it. Is he getting tons of homework? Is it a case of homework overload where he always has tons of homework?
  • Lots of prayer from Alberta, Canada here.
  • My mom and I go onto the mobile MFP site. We look up different options and mak choices from there. its hard when you eat out because of extra sauces, oils they use among other questionable hidden calories. Don't beat yourself up at going over, Just keep track and move on :) Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hey. I am of course not an expert, but this sounds like what my co-worker said her 3 year went thru before she got diagnosed with celiac disease. Wouldnt hurt to check that out.
    in POOP Comment by cndbear November 2011