

  • You should not eat less that 1200 calories a day. That is not a myth, you can look it up. If you eat too little, your body may believe it is starving and will store instead of burn.
  • Allow yourself a treat now and then. A milk shake is okay, if you balance the calories over the course of the week. Remember we can't do this by completely negating our cravings, or we are doomed to fail. Occasionally, we have to have what we really want... but that is the beauty of calorie counting. Milk shake today,…
    in What now? Comment by advocatus June 2011
  • Remember the camera adds a few pounds. What matters is how you feel about yourself. You should feel great!
    in Pictures Comment by advocatus June 2011
  • It's okay to feel that way. Notice the feeling, hold it, and then release it. It is not really want you want is it? Breathe in spirit, breathe out frustration.
  • I agree with Mursey, keep going to Yoga. Remember Yoga isn't about looking pretty, or doing the poses perfectly. That's why we call Yoga a practice and not a performance. Look into Hot Yoga, and you find even more flexibility. Just remember to not over do it. It should feel uncomfortable but NEVER sharp pain (acute). Best…
  • Congratulations, it was a nice day for a run wasn't it? (I set a PR on Sunday) Many experts say you need 14 days to fully recover from 26 miles, which is why running the full 26 is never suggested as part of a training program (I believe almost all say a max of 20 miles). I don't plan on running again until at least this…
  • Hello rvice2. Congratz on finishing the Flying Pig 1/2 marathon, and with a great time! Once the rain stopped it was a nice day wasn't it? I spoke to the representative from the Columbus Marathon at the Flying Pig about their course and she said it was 'exceedingly flat' I haven't run that marathon, so I can't speak about…
  • Do you have a Fleet Feet store in your hometown? If you know you have low arches, spending a little more for shoes picked especially for your feet can really help make your workouts be less painful. I strongly advise against Vibram Five Fingers... those shoes require special training to use without injuring yourself. We…