a10horan Member


  • I have been practicing Bikram (hot) yoga since the middle of March. I don't do any other type of exercise. For me I think it works because you are using different muscles, it's balancing and strength. I love my yoga class. I work up a sweat just with the first breathing exercise. I walk out of there with soaking wet…
  • I agree!
  • Sounds like everyone is too focused on the number of calories rather than where the calories are coming from. I think if you eat good healthy food 1200-1500 is safe and healthy. Yes I agree we do eat too much and too much of the wrong stuff.
  • I am reading The Girl Who Played With Fire, second book of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo series. Pretty interesting book. The first one was hard to get into, but then it got good and took off.
  • A girlfriend here has it and has gone through it. I heard its a real butt kicker, but a good one. I will check it out at Costco tonight.
  • Love the shoes DKev
  • I concur. Weekends are a lot tougher for me than during the week. I think being at work is more structured because I am not sitting around thinking what is in my fridge or cupboards. This long weekend, four-day for me, is going to be a challenge. I am watching my boyfriend's 7 year old all four days, so no gym for me cause…
  • That is an amazing story. I am so sorry for your loss.
  • My little step-daughter (7) told me I look like I'm going to have a baby was one, and two, summer and swimsuit is snug. I also refuse to buy a bigger size of my summer wardrobe. Right now my shorts don't fit and neither do my tank tops. That is a real bummer because I use to use those tops to work out in and they are too…
  • Yes I do hate that weight that creeps on. Speaking for myself, I notice my clothes getting snug, but my love for food makes me ignore it unitl bam I regain the 20 lbs. I had originally lost. It is a vicious cycle. I know what I need to do, I know what I'm supposed to do, but I just don't do it. I know that eating healthier…
  • Be faithful to logging in your food diary and exercising everyday and you will do it. My downfall is not logging in on the weekends. good luck to you:)
    in Hi everyone Comment by a10horan May 2011