

  • Getting ready to complete Day 10 Level 1, looking forward to Level 2....I have bum knees but working through, once I get warmed up they feel fine. Silly me didn't realize there was an eating plan with this workout series, but I keeping a pretty good hold on my eating, with some tweaks here and there. Weight loss so…
  • any tips on how to access level 2 since the link has been taken down. you can still rent it for 30 days for $1.99 if you are watching via youtube as I am.
  • Day 3 was a success! WooHoo! Energy levels up during and after the workout. Still struggling thru the push ups. My favorite part are the crunches, go figure. Probably because I get to lay down :) And weight loss but the inches are melting away. That ain't bad!
  • day 2 was tough. muscles hurt but I pushed through, however hubby and I did not walk in the evening. I was pooped.
  • Day 1 completed! Yay me and all of you! My thighs hate me right now :) Didn't really know how to log it in so I just took advice from one of the other members and put it manually. 29 days to go! Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • If anyone has done this before or owns the dvds can you share as to what size weights to use. 1lb? 2lb? Does anyone know?
  • Hey there! My name is Cindi, I'm 53yrs young, mom of 5 and grandma to 11 wee ones. Married almost 29 years to Jim, my walking partner. We are coming up on a year since we changed what we eat, how we eat and walking every day. Jim has lost 35lbs and I lost 30 but recently started sliding. So we are recommitting to our daily…
  • I agree! plus it's a great motivator to have something to compare to. take that pic and post it on the bathroom mirror, then when you are not motivated to workout or want that little cheat snack go look at the photo and remember your goal :)