

  • I think one of the biggest things I do for myself nutritionally is to watch what I buy at the grocery store. Now that I'm not living in a dorm and can cook for myself, my biggest hurdle is to avoid buying food that is easy to binge on or unhealthy snacks (chocolate covered pretzels being my fallback when I'm stressed or…
  • The Ting Tings- Great DJ and Sleigh Bells- Infinity Guitars both awesome underrated songs that will get you pumped up
  • NO. No no no no no no no. The only time protein powder is ever justifiable is if you're bodybuilding. EVER. It is completely unnecessary and unhealthy. The only reason people think they need it is because the people who market that stuff are trying to make money. Period.
  • Good peanut butter is easy to find once you look at the ingredients. It should have MAXIMUM two things- the first should be peanuts, and the second should be an oil, if anything. I NEVER buy peanut butter with additional sweeteners or preservatives, its totally unnecessary!
  • Milk (esp cow's milk) was never intended for human consumption and is really harsh on your digestive system. Incredibly fatty and full of hormones/steroids. The milk industry tries to stay relevant by convincing the public that milk is the only good source of calcium (there are tons of veggies with as much or more calcium…
  • FAGE! Oh my goodness Fage total 2% or 0% *especially* the ones with fruit (or honey) are SO good. It makes for an easy transition from common yogurt to Greek-style. I'm addicted!